• Aus­stel­lung 2016

    Crea­ti­ve pho­to­gra­phy & Chi­ne­se elements

  • Aus­stel­ler

    Zhong Yi Pho­to­gra­phy Edu­ca­ti­on School

  • Ort


  • Füh­run­gen

    Don­ners­tag und Sonn­tag, 13.00 Uhr

Crea­ti­ve pho­to­gra­phy & Chi­ne­se elements

Pho­to­gra­phy Ex­hi­bi­ti­on of Feng Xia­o­hui and her students

The 28 pho­tos by te­a­cher Feng Xia­o­hui and her stu­dents ex­hi­bi­ted here are of th­ree ca­te­go­ries: crea­ti­ve por­traits, flowers and architectures.

All pho­tos were first con­cep­tua­li­zed and crea­ted with Chi­ne­se ele­ments, then shot with mul­ti­ple ex­po­sure tech­ni­que. Its spe­cial ma­gni­fi­cent ef­fect suc­cessful­ly re­flects the broad and rich Chi­ne­se tra­di­tio­nal culture.

Crea­ti­ve pho­to­gra­phy – Chi­ne­se ele­ments and Münsingen

Pho­to­grapher Feng Xia­o­hui be­gan to ex­plo­re mul­ti­ple ex­po­sure tech­ni­ques sin­ce 2004 when she tran­sit­ed from film era into di­gi­tal image time. The brand new tech­ni­que of mul­ti­ple ex­po­sure makes Feng Xia­o­hui much more skillful in shoo­ting eit­her crea­ti­ve por­traits, flowers and land­scape, or do­cu­men­ta­ries and ar­chi­tec­tures, etc. She suc­cessful­ly de­mons­tra­ted us a mi­ra­cu­lous world and the­re­af­ter for many times won awards and hold ex­hi­bi­ti­ons at home and abroad.

To meet the many pho­to­gra­phy lo­vers’ need to learn mul­ti­ple ex­po­sure tech­ni­que, im­pro­ve their skills and wi­de­spread pho­to­gra­phy know­ledge and theo­ry, Bei­jing Zhong Yi Pho­to­gra­phy Edu­ca­ti­on School set up "Xia­o­hui Crea­ti­ve Vi­su­al Pho­to­gra­phy Work­shop” in 2013, which re­cruits about 10 stu­dents to learn for 7 days each time. Till now, the­re are 11 clas­ses are com­ple­ted and more than 100 stu­dents trained.

At the in­vi­ta­ti­on of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen, Feng Xia­o­hui feels ho­no­red and gra­teful to put 28 of their works on dis­play here, which are re­gard­ed as the crystal­liza­ti­on of their crea­ti­vi­ty. This is a re­port­ing ex­hi­bi­ti­on of Feng Xiaohui’s prac­ti­ce on mul­ti­ple ex­po­sure tech­ni­que ex­plo­ra­ti­on and edu­ca­ti­on. This is also a va­luable op­por­tu­ni­ty for Feng Xia­o­hui and her stu­dents to com­mu­ni­ca­te with and learn from their col­le­agues abroad.

The ex­hi­bi­ti­on is en­tit­led as "A Na­tio­nal Be­au­ty" and the pho­tos are of crea­ti­ve pho­to­gra­phy, which can be di­vi­ded into th­ree ca­te­go­ries of crea­ti­ve por­traits, flowers and ar­chi­tec­tures. To take this kind of pic­tures, one needs first ful­ly un­der­stand as well as know how to use Chi­ne­se ele­ments, such as: an­ci­ent ar­chi­tec­tures, cal­li­gra­phy, car­ved seals, Chi­ne­se knots, Qin Han bricks & Han eave ti­les, Pe­king ope­ra masks, shadow pup­pets, Chi­ne­se por­ce­lain, Han Dy­nasty bam­boo slips, ora­cle bo­nes, the scholar’s four tre­asu­res (ink-slab, wri­ting brush, art pa­per, ink-stick), etc. and then to ad­opt mul­ti­ple ex­po­sure tech­ni­ques to shoot.

Each time when lea­ding her stu­dents to crea­te a work, Feng Xia­o­hui first­ly choo­ses a the­me, and se­cond­ly, tells the stu­dents in de­tail about pre-shoo­ting ima­gi­na­ti­on, ar­tis­tic de­sign, light­ing, etc. , asks stu­dents to fa­mi­lia­ri­ze with the cha­rac­ters and sce­n­ery , find out and catch the best mo­ment of in­ner emo­ti­on ex­pres­si­on in or­der to get hold of a sa­tis­fy­ing work. The who­le film­ing pro­cess is just a sys­te­ma­tic pro­ject of crea­ti­ve thin­king and ide­as, de­signs and tech­ni­ques, la­ter-pro­ces­sing co­lor con­trol and output.

Fa­cing an ex­ten­si­ve and pro­found tra­di­tio­nal cul­tu­re, rich and co­lorful he­ri­ta­ge of histo­ry, Feng Xia­o­hui found by using mul­ti­ple ex­po­sure tech­ni­ques, she could break th­rough the in­si­pid de­scrip­ti­on, sta­re at the vi­su­al ele­ments. This is one of the ways that Feng Xia­o­hui and her stu­dents to search out the great­ness of life in the crea­ti­ve de­sign, and to shi­ne the light of hu­man na­tu­re th­rough mind connection.

Fi­nal­ly, thanks again in­vi­ta­ti­on of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen. We wish you a gre­at success!

May, 2016

Zhong Yi Pho­to­gra­phy Edu­ca­ti­on School

Xia­o­hui Crea­ti­ve Vi­su­al Pho­to­gra­phy Workshop

Te­a­cher: Feng Xiaohui

Stu­dents: Huang Kun, Lu Xiang, Leung Shan, Song Li, Xu Xiaoman