"National waste": The ideal way to get back to work
For almost exactly eight weeks we weren't allowed to visit any real (photo) exhibitions, we had to put up with virtual tours - which, by the way, was not all negative, as many exhibitors and gallery owners came up with some original alternatives.
Now it's time to slowly work your way back into the real exhibition world. I have a tip: «Abfall national» at Kornhausforum Bern with photographs by Thun photographer Carolina Piasecki and photographer Peter Keller, who lives in Ticino. The exhibition is a good way to get back into it: not too big, enough space without stress and a topic that affects us all. Every Swiss person leaves behind around 350 kg of municipal waste every year. In 40 pairs of images, the two photographers show how this waste is properly disposed of in public spaces – or not.
And if you don't feel ready for the real exhibition world, you can do the pictures too watch virtually.
"National waste" in the Kornhausforum Bern, May 15 to July 25, 2020
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