Photo competition: The judging now follows

The photo competition "Live and take pictures in times of Corona" met with visitors to the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen vir­tu­ell to widespread interest. 308 photos were submitted. Now the challenge lies with the jury to choose the 20 best photos and from these three winners.

The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen has put together a top-class jury. Adrian Moser is chief photographer and image editor of the newspaper «Der Bund». This year he won first prize in the Swiss Press Pho­to Award, Category everyday, won. At the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen In 2019 he presented an interesting series Press photos on the Schlossgutplatz.

The freelance photographer Jürg Ramseier lives in Münsingen and presented at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2019 pictures from his book «Mein Mün­sin­gen» in the castle. The book is a lovingly critical look at the emerging community of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen between village and agglomeration. In 2017 he had a well-noticed exhibition in the Korn­haus­fo­rum Bern about his life's work «Un­der my skin».

Christoph Ruckstuhl is head of the team of photographers Neu­en Zür­cher Zei­tung NZZ. He has won several prizes and awards in the Swiss Press Award won. In the NZZ am Sonn­tag he has the series with three NZZ photographers "Four photographers, four perspectives" published with personal photo series of the Corona crisis.

The three jurors will now - as is common in Corona times - conduct the jury in a video conference and select the best 20 pictures. These photos are on the website of the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen vir­tu­ell published and at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Issued in 2021 from May 13-16, 2021.

The first three are rewarded with great prizes in the form of vouchers from book factory, Moenchaltorf, a main sponsor of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen.

To the competition pictures on Flickr ...

Cover picture: Walter Winkler, at the hairdresser


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