underwater photography by michel roggo.

Photo Münsingen 2023: water, customs and new competitions

"Water" in all its diversity is the main theme of the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023. We are proud that Michel Roggo - one of the best underwater photographers - is bringing us closer to the underwater world of the Amazon and Aare. In 2023 there are other aspects of "water photography" to be discovered, the club competition on the topic of "customs", many creative photo exhibitions, lectures, audiovisual productions and photo workshops.

Michel Rogo shows at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023 in his unmistakable style the underwater world from the Amazon to the Aare. He not only exhibits current pictures, but also speaks in one Lecture on Friday evening also about his work.

Six other exhibitions show "water photography" in all its diversity: There are the icy worlds of the marine biologist Julia Hager, the «flooded cathedrals» of Silvio Maraini or the waterfall photos from Jean-Francois Delhom.

Reported in «Border of Hope» Lauren Schmid via the risky escape route from Libya across the Mediterranean to Europe. Urs Wohlwend photographed for his coastal pictures with a moving camera. And Res Reinhard continued for his series «Eau et Noir» Dancers with water elements in scene.

Club competition on the theme "Customs"

An important element of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen is also this year the club photography. 48 teams compete at the «Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award» on the subject of "customs". The Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten exhibit pictures on the subject of «Yellow».

The PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition. The award ceremony for the «Swiss Photography Championship» by PHOTOSUISSE will again take place as part of Photo Münsingen.

People, landscapes and silent helpers

Other photo exhibitions deal with people, landscapes and silent helpers: Melinda Blättler photographed for her project «99x ein­zig­ar­tig #un­ge­fil­ter­te Por­traits» People with a flaw, taboo subject or illness. Marielsa Niels questioned in «Dans l'antre du soi» our concept of female-male. Gia Chkhatarashvili shows the daily life of the inhabitants of two mountain regions of Georgia.

For «Mo­der­ni­zing Na­tu­re» photographed Zak van Biljon the beauty of nature in the near infrared. Thomas Biasotto in turn, he combines daylight shots with starry skies for his «Landscapes at Night». Alexandra Schmid placed everyday objects in the center of attention in “Employee of the Month”.

For the first time with a photo exhibition as a guest at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen is the CAP photography school. 16 students of the intensive practical course show a cross-section of the work created in the current training year.

«U25 Photo Challenge» and photo book competition

The organizing committee has decided to implement some new ideas for this year. "We want to entice younger people to take photos," says President Urs Hintermann. This year, for the first time, the «U25 Photo Challenge» on the subject of water. It will be together with the internet portal BERN-OST carried out. The best pictures will be exhibited in Münsingen.

Besides, she wants Pho­to Mün­sin­gen offer a platform for the photo book as a medium of expression. At the Photo Book Contest together with main sponsor Book­fac­to­ry the best, most original or unusual photo books are sought. The most beautiful results are also exhibited there.

Book a date now!

Photo Münsingen also belong to this year audiovisual productions, Lectures, Photo workshops and product demos. Take a look at our program now and mark the Ascension Days from May 18 to 21, 2023 in bold on your agenda!

Cover picture: © Michel Roggo


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