Photo workshops 2024: musician portraits, dance and street beats

Around 30 Photo workshops This year there are again plenty of opportunities to educate yourself on a wide variety of topics. The pre-sale has started.

In the workshops of Christoph Ris and Felix Peter Musicians and dancers are models. For example, a professional drummer in the middle of the city is the subject of exciting street photography. The studio is about dramatic portraits of musicians, nude photography with instruments or uniquely staged dancers. At Christian Herbert Hildebrand A tango couple is available for atmospheric live images.

Discount for teenagers

Workshop participants up to the age of 25 now receive a 50 percent discount on the course fee!

In particular Youth workshop by Moira Müller and Remo Zehnder, young people portray each other before Photo Münsingen. They also address the question, “How do we see others and how do others see us?” Your pictures will be exhibited in the Spycher youth center.

Landscape, night and plants

It's about the art of landscape photography, night and star photos as well as plant photography Lorenz Andreas Fischer. Offers a special course for landscape photography on the water Stefan Zurrer.

Remo Zehnder introduces analog photography, but also shows how negatives and slides can be digitized with a digital camera or how images can be created with a smartphone. Jost von Allmen brings order to the chaos of Lightroom and talks about digital black and white photography.

Light, colors, image effect

Miriam Bennouna Finally, the secrets of image creation and the influence of colors are conveyed. In the light painting workshop, surreal images are created without any composing in post-production. And in the 'Still Life' course, the workshop leader gives an insight into modern still life photography.

By the way: also for him Multimedia lecture “The Art of Transformation” by Hannes Schmid and that Concert “Pictures at an Exhibition” Free reservations are possible from Tuesday, April 2nd.

Photo workshops 2023: Registration from April 11th

Between May 18th and 21st, Photo Münsingen offers plenty of opportunities for further training. We have special workshops on landscape, people and droplet photography that go with the main theme of “water”.

The workshop program also includes topics such as image processing, flashlight, the jury course, an architecture workshop and tips on smartphone photography. Expand your knowledge, try new things! Secure your place online in the photo workshops at Photo Münsingen 11 from Tuesday, April 20, 2023 p.m.!

To the overview of all photo workshops 2023...

The highlights of our workshop leaders

In the courses on drop photography from Hans Schar learn the art of photographing what the human eye cannot see. At Stefan Zurrer It's all about landscape photography by the water. Also Lorenz Andreas Fischer offers, among other things, exciting workshops on landscape photography.

Christoph Ris this year projects water and fire images onto bare skin and teaches course participants more about expressive portraits or sensual photography by the water. "Dancer + Smoke", "Pole Dancer" and "Sandblast" are the names of the workshops on unusual productions Felix Peter.

It's all about the interplay of light and color Miriam Bennouna. The course leader also offers a photo discussion with pictures of the participants. The quality of a photograph is also a topic in the jury course Martin Zurmuehle.

Remo Zehnder speaks of the ease of being on the move with a smartphone. He also gives an introductory course on analogue photography, which is also suitable for young people. Jost von Allmen offers Lightroom courses, including how to handle image data when traveling.

Roberto Carbone Finally, in addition to a Zen Photo Walk, there is a special photo course for children: children discover the world of instant photography (and are allowed to keep the camera at the end!).

By the way: Also for the reportage "From the Amazon to the Aare - How the camera got into the crocodile's mouth and other stories" by Michel Roggo, free reservations are possible from Tuesday, April 11, 20 p.m.

Painting with light: visiting the light painting specialist

Taking photos without light is like making coffee without water: black and a dry thing. Various workshops therefore deal with the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2022 with the all-important ingredient. Bruno Kneubühler is someone who tames light in a special way. He creates amazing images using light painting.

When Bruno Kneubühler takes photographs, it is initially dark. In light painting, the shutter of the camera is opened in complete darkness, so that various light sources can then be used to literally draw in the picture. "The idea is that you compose an image with lamps, glow sticks, LED lights, Plexiglas or simply anything that lights up or can be illuminated," says Kneubühler, explaining the basic principle.

All in one exposure

For example, a ghostly mask appears. With a flashlight, the photographer draws a skeleton in the air. Then he lights colored spots on the sandstone wall of the cave and transforms it into a mystical location. The shutter is closed again. A colorful image appears on the camera display - which immediately arouses the viewer's interest and imagination.

"Everything in the picture is created in one exposure, nothing is put together in Photoshop," is how Bruno Kneubühler describes his fascination with the technology. “You can actually paint with light just as you would paint with paint. The sensor simply records what it sees.”

It is important to think carefully about how to proceed. You can't turn off the light. "It's a try. And it's always exciting to see whether the result is what you had in mind," says Bruno Kneubühler.

Experiments with the flashlight

The native of Bern taught himself light painting. After initially photographing light trails from cars, fireworks or Bengal matches, he began experimenting with flashlights. Gradually, thanks to the internet and his own tinkering, he got to know more technology. Meanwhile, he regularly leads workshops.

At the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Bruno Kneubühler offers two light painting courses. in the foundation course the participants get to know technology and basics: At «Light painting advanced» advanced images are then developed.

Good ideas and a tripod

A prerequisite for the light painting workshops is that the participants can operate their cameras. You should know how to set aperture, ISO, exposure time and especially noise reduction for long exposures. You will also need a tripod and a remote shutter release. A headlamp and a hat to cover the lens are also useful tools.

Good ideas are always needed for light painting. "It always depends on the situation and the available material, what you can do," says Kneubühler, "if the participants like, we can implement relatively complex images in the workshops".

Various workshops on light

So much for light painting. Special lighting situations and their possibilities are dealt with at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen In 2022, however, there will also be numerous other workshops. For example, there is the course «Sand Blast» by Felix Peter, in which a magical world is created with colored light and flour. In workshop "Nude in the candlelight" by Christoph Ris, it's all about creating enchanting, sensual shots with as little light as possible. The workshop is also recommended for lighting enthusiasts "Laws of Light" by Martin Zurmühle or the course «Portrait shots 1 model – 1 light» with Remo Zehnder.

Photo workshops 2022: Register now

The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen offers a comprehensive workshop program with experienced workshop leaders. From animal, landscape, wedding and portrait to nude photography, everything is included. Expand your knowledge! Secure your place online from Tuesday, April 19, 20 p.m.! Continue reading

Workshops: Free places and an additional date

Expand your knowledge of photography in the workshops. How about:

Last places are still available for various workshops. Christoph Ris offers an additional date for the workshop 'Nude body projection' at. Anyone who ran out of space on Thursday's course will now have a second opportunity on Sunday.

Here is an overview of all workshops ...

Workshops 2019: register now!

At the Photo Münsingen 2019, experienced workshop leaders and dedicated photographers impart their knowledge. From animal, landscape, wedding and nude to architectural photography, everything is included. Workshops on technical topics such as Lightroom and flash photography are also on offer. Here are some pearls.

Analog photography with Christoph Bürki
Like in the old days: insert a film and take analogue photos. In the first course you will develop this film together with course leader Christoph Bürki.
> Analog photography - film development

The second course continues in the photo lab: gradation, dodging, post-exposure. At the end of the day you will have a handcrafted enlargement.
> Analog photography laboratory

Report photography with Adrian Moser
How do I tell a story? How do I prepare for the report? After a theoretical part, the participants develop report ideas that are then implemented and discussed.
> Reportage photography

Body projections with Christoph Ris
For lovers of unusual nude photography: We project images onto our camera-accustomed model, who poses confidently and ensures that unique images are created.
> Nude body projection

Wedding photography with Felix Peter
In three workshops, Felix Peter shows what is important in wedding photography.

Light painting with Bruno Kneubühler
Im Basics workshop learn how to use light painting at night or in darkened buildings. You will learn how lamps, LEDs and other aids can be used and which is the correct order when creating such an image. At the workshop Light painting with model it's about shaping the light around a model.


Expand your knowledge! Secure your place online from Tuesday, April 23rd, 20 p.m.! We look forward to your participation. You can find an overview of all workshops here:

By the way: for them too Multivision 'Madagascar' Reservations can be made free of charge from Tuesday, April 23 at 20 p.m.

Exciting discussions, over 4000 visitors

The 19th Photo Münsingen moved 4220 visitors to Münsingen over the Ascension Days. The exhibition and lectures on America by Henna and Arthur Honegger were well attended and one of the highlights. The Instagram theme with 9 photographers from Switzerland provided inspiration for new media. The pictures by Janine Machiedo and Susanne Jung are surreal. And the exciting report "In the Nest of the Crocodiles" by Florian Spring also attracted a lot of attention.

The Photo Münsingen Award for the best club work on the topic "Move" went to the Camera Klub Brown Boveri Baden, ahead of the Fotoclub Sense and the Fotofreunde Oberaargau. The exhibitions stimulated discussions and the exchange of experiences. Photo Münsingen was once again a meeting point and source of inspiration for people from all over Switzerland who were interested in photography. Next year, from May 30th to June 2nd, 2019, Photo Münsingen will take place for the 20th time.

To the photo galleries of Photo Münsingen 2018…

Photo Münsingen 2018 in the media

An excerpt from the media coverage of Photo Münsingen 2018:



Countries, people, Instagram: The highlights of Photo Münsingen 2018

The construction of the exhibitions is in full swing, in two days the Photo Münsingen will open its doors. A highlight of this 19th edition is the exhibition "Oh, Amiland!" by Henna and Arthur Honegger. During his time as America correspondent, the 10vor10 presenter photographed “America with a difference” together with his wife Henna.

Other photographers also talk about countries and people at Photo Münsingen 2018. In the project "Alps" Lorenz Andreas Fischer explores alpine landscapes through the ages. Florian Spring shows in his exhibition "In the nest of the crocodiles" a report about an indigenous tribe in Papua New Guinea. Beat Mumenthaler grants insights into the souls of personalities in "Close to your soul". Ueli Bühler from Rubigen shows in "Fascination Iceland" grandiose landscapes.

One focus is the new Instagram photo medium. Nine successful Instagram photographers from Switzerland present pictures on various topics on the Schlossweg. Tobias Meyer alias @cosmokoala and the @ helvetic-collectiv invite you to Meet & Greet to the Spycher youth center. With a Panel discussion and a seminar on Instagram.

In the photo club competition, 62 teams are presenting their work on the topic this year "Move" out. There are surreal worlds in the exhibitions of Janine Machiedo (D) and Susanne Jung to discover. Daniel Rohr and Bruno Kneubühler create fascinating lighting strips, flashlights and fireworks "Light art".

This variety of exhibitions is complemented by numerous audio visions. A highlight here is Multivision "Brazil" from Dr. Heiko Beyer on Friday evening. In addition to around 25 seminars, Photo Münsingen also offers free lectures by exhibiting photographers and the photo experts of the sponsors. Visit for example 'The way to your own style' with Beat Mumenthaler, that public photo shoot with Christoph Ris or the lecture 'Oh Amiland!' by Henna and Arthur Honegger.

Opening times, directions and the brochure for Photo Münsingen 2018 can be found here here…

Seminars 2018: Advance sales begin

Photo Münsingen also offers a wide range of seminars in the 2018 edition. On the Ascension weekend from May 10th to 13th, there are again many further training opportunities to choose from with topics related to photography. Advance sales start on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 20 p.m. Here we present some highlights.

With the trained photographer Maike Jarsetz, a proven expert in the fields of Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom is coming to Münsingen to lead three seminars: Im Lightroom practice training get fit in the picture organization and clarify all questions that are about the catalog principle. One focus is on the workflow while traveling. In the seminar Lightroom image development develop your most beautiful motifs to perfection. In the Photoshop Key Techniques course, you use the typical Photoshop tasks that arise after the image has been developed. The day brings you up to date with the latest correction techniques.
On the one hand, Jost von Allmen gives an overview of available ones digital medium format systems and on the other hand goes into the methodical procedure to achieve perfect recordings. The practical workshop with Bruno Kneubühler is about the basic techniques of Light painting photography to learn (second course on Saturday).
With Christoph Ris (Portrait and fashion photography) it goes to a helicopter base. Combining this location with fashion and portrait photography promises unique images. The aim of the workshop is that the participants recognize the lighting and choose the correct position of the model accordingly. Motifs that are worth photographing can be found everywhere. Learn at Photo walk in Münsingen get to know interesting motifs in our environment with Martin Zurmühle and then go on a photo stalk.