Photo Münsingen 2022: sports photography, abstracts, portraits and more

Photo Münsingen will be back in just over three months! This year's edition will open its doors from May 26th to 29th, 2022. The focus is on sports photography and the competition for photo clubs with the theme «Abstract». The program also includes black and white portraits, architectural and landscape photography, lectures, photo workshops, audiovisual productions and much more.

The 2020 and 2021 edition of Photo Münsingen could not be carried out due to the corona pandemic. This year, however, we are confident that Photo Münsingen can take place from May 26th to 29th, 2022 on the beautiful Schlossgut area and that we can experience inspiring encounters again. Some exciting additions have been made to the program originally planned for 2020.

Focus on sports photography

In the Photo exhibitions sports photography is a focus: six photographers devote themselves to different sports:

Club photography is further in the focus: 55 teams compete at the «Photo Muensingen Award» on the topic "Abstract". the Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten exhibit pictures on the topic of «transparency». The PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition.

People, creatives and the pandemic

The portrait series "Je te regarde et tu dis" by Thomas Kern. The two-time winner of one World Press Award photographed the people of Freiburg in their homes. Also the series «Artistic Nudes» by Barbara Huwiler and "It's so old...!" from Doris Wuthrich show people.

There are also creative photo exhibitions, including: Brigitte Aeberhard to the poetry of blur, Csaba Balasi (RO) with his Winter Story, Har­ry Lie­ber (DE) on fine art architecture photography and Werner Richners (EN) Magic Moments.

The Photo arena offers ten photographers a platform to present their picture series on twelve screens.

And our way of dealing with the pandemic is also given space in an exhibition. The 20 best pictures of the competition «Live and take pictures in times of Corona» will be shown at Photo Münsingen 2022 in the Schlossgut area.

With the single axle to the North Cape

At the nuclear Audio Vision “Totally Wacky” Andreas Zimmermann reports how he drove to the North Cape with the two-wheeler. Additional audiovisual productions are presented on the big screen in the Füürwehrsaal every afternoon.

The Photo Münsingen also offers various Lectures, more than 20 Photo workshops, product demos and lots of opportunities to exchange ideas about photography, your own ideas and the associated technology.

Reserve the Ascension Days from May 26th to 29th, 2022!

Photo Münsingen 2020: sports photography and urban

From May 21 to 24, 2020, the topic "Urban" and sports photography will be the focus of the 21st Photo Münsingen. There are also multifaceted photo exhibitions, current club photography, the Photo Arena, lectures, photo workshops and audiovisual productions.

Sports photography is a focus of this year's Photo Münsingen. Six photo exhibitions are dedicated to different sports:

“Urban” theme in the competition for photo clubs

The focus in 2020 will also be on club photography: over 60 teams compete for the «Photo Muensingen Award» on the subject of “urban”. The photo clubs out Muensingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten exhibit pictures on their annual theme of "transparency". The Photosuisse shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition.

In other photo exhibitions, photographers present their creative work, including: Elena Martynyuk (RU) with Fantasy, Brigitte Aeberhard zur Poetry of blurring, Csaba Balási (RO) with his Winter story, Harry Lieber (DE) for Fine art architecture photography and Werner Richners (DE) Magic moments.

With the single axle to the North Cape

The digital one Photo arena offers ten photographers a platform to present their series of images on 12 screens. In the Audio Vision 'Totally Crazy' Andreas Zimmermann reports how he drove to the North Cape with the single-axle vehicle. Further audiovisual productions are presented on the big screen every afternoon in the Füürwehrsaal. Lectures, photo workshops and guided tours enable the exchange between photographers and those interested in photography.

Reserve the Ascension Days from May 21 to 24, 2020 for your visit to Münsingen now. We look forward to you!

Interview with Dominic Nahr: "I am very close with my heart"

In the exhibition "Resources and Consequences" Dominic Nahr shows pictures from various crisis areas in Africa. Born in Heiden (AR) and raised in Hong Kong, the reportage photographer lived in Kenya for nine years. In the interview he talks about the idea behind the exhibition, the proximity to the people photographed and why he likes coming to Münsingen.

Your exhibition at Photo Münsingen is about the struggle for resources and the consequences of it. What's the idea?

For the past ten years I've photographed stories in Africa about resources: oil, gold, cassiterite, pasture, or water and fishing. I thought that for the outdoor exhibition, where you go from picture to picture, a compilation of pictures from different countries fits. Each picture contains a mini-story about this struggle for resources and the consequences of it. Especially in Switzerland, where the water is so pure, the topic fits. You can drink water anywhere. That is the first thing I noticed in Switzerland.

Have you specifically photographed conflicts over resources in Africa?

Many war zones are about resources. Congo, for example, that was my first assignment on this continent. The war is clearly taking place between different groups - government or militias - that are in control of the natural resources. So you are automatically on this topic. Or in the north of Kenya, where there are constant conflicts over pastureland.

How do you choose the places to visit?

Most of the time I go to a place because a story is developing there. With many of these stories you have to be very quick so that you are the first to be there and take the pictures. But it's different every time. Sometimes I have to travel very far to take a picture. Sometimes I get there quickly. And sometimes I have to wait five days to get access.

That means you hear something or get an order and drive off ...

Both. Often I just left. Logistics is a big part of my reporting work. Taking the picture is only a very small part of my job. First of all, I have to research the story, even know what is going on. Have contacts who can give me the latest information. Then travel there - how do I get there? Are there roads or do you have to go there by helicopter? Can the plane land even though it is the rainy season? It's always a little different. In Somalia, for example, I had fifteen bodyguards so I wouldn't get kidnapped. In other places you only have one person with you so that you are as little conspicuous as possible.

What camera equipment do you use?

I've been working with small cameras for a number of years, especially the Leica M series viewfinder cameras. Traveling with these cameras is much less noticeable and allows me to disappear better - I appear less threatening. I like to work with the viewfinder and manual focus, so I'm more in the scene. I have to think twice, constantly adjusting the focus - being aware of my surroundings and being completely immersed in them.

Your pictures seem very respectful. How do you do that?

I think after so many years in Africa I have an understanding of what pictures I can take to tell the stories with respect. The colors and compositions should not only make the pictures of Africa look terrible. Even if many things are terrible, they should also show Africa's inner strength. That's why I stayed. Because I fell in love with the countries of East Africa, with the soil, the kitchen, the people, this energy. Living in Kenya was one of the most important factors in being close to the stories of East Africa and the entire continent.

How do you manage to get close and respectful to people?

If you are open with people, then they are open too. I think it's a partnership. You are vulnerable yourself and people notice that and open up. But the compositions and the light are also important to me, so that it harmonizes in the picture. And a little distance is also good, physically I mean, not with the heart. I am very close with my heart. Robert Capa said yes: "If your pictures aren't good enough, you're not close enough". I think it has to do with the heart too.

When do you put the camera down?

I often put the camera down when it got too much. You realize who can continue and who needs a break. But I always stay as long as I can. When you are with people, you can also wait and see what happens. It's not about just taking a picture and then being satisfied. For example, I stay with a family into the night, if possible until everyone is asleep. Of course, I also put the camera down when I can do something and no one else is there to help.

Does that also mean getting to know each other?

Yes, by being open to people. I show myself as I am and hope that you do the same. As soon as that happens, I try to take a step back so that life can go on as if I were not there.

So you don't talk to people, you just watch ...

I communicate a lot with body language and with my eyes. I also watch how people talk. I often don't understand the language, but I often understand what they mean.

How did you learn to work as a reportage photographer?

I grew up in Hong Kong and quickly became a newspaper photographer there. Small reports, portraits ... I was always on the move, had a few jobs a day. This is good training for working for a newspaper. You are very busy, you learn to react quickly, think quickly, and quickly send out the pictures. The other is simple: I was interested, was curious.

Are you doing this work for yourself?

Yes, in any case. I never had to do that, I wanted to. But the motivation is also that you are at the front of the story, coming very close to reality. When you are in a war zone, you photograph how history is written. When you are the only photographer on site and take the pictures that will represent a certain event in fifty years, that's exciting. I often just thought I was shooting for history, not now. But that has changed in the last couple of years.

Do you know the moment you take a picture that it will be a great picture?

I know when I'm taking good pictures and when things aren't going so well. If it works properly, I won't even notice that I'm holding a camera in my hand. I'm so focused, you could hand me any camera. Everything is on autopilot: composition, exposure, focus ... everything works. I look through the camera. I've seen this a couple of times. I also don't like looking at the display. Maybe at the beginning of the day to see if I can still do it.

Back to Photo Münsingen: What attracts you to exhibit here?

I used to work with many magazines. And I always thought that worked. People will look at these pictures and somehow something will happen. But that didn't always happen: I told people things they already knew... Coming to Switzerland also has to do with the fact that I no longer want to think globally about the audience but closer to the people. I want to reach more people who wouldn't necessarily see these stories otherwise. And I noticed that the Swiss are very interested in these stories and these pictures. Photo Münsingen is a suitable size and I think there is interest in Photo Münsingen in particular, where there are so many photographers.

What advice would you give to photographers who would like to learn how to photograph reportages in your way?

The most important thing is to be interested in a subject and story, not just being a photographer. If I were not a photographer, I would probably choose film or some other form of communication. Training is important to take photos as much as possible, make mistakes, try things out. And also study historical and contemporary photographers. For me it meant going to libraries and looking at photo books, getting to know different styles and compositions, and seeing how sequences work to tell a story in pictures.

Interview: Tobias Kühn

To the exhibition by Dominic Nahr ...
Dominic Nahr in the Photo Arena ...
Dominic Nahr's lecture ...

Photo Münsingen 2018 in the media

An excerpt from the media coverage of Photo Münsingen 2018:



Countries, people, Instagram: The highlights of Photo Münsingen 2018

The construction of the exhibitions is in full swing, in two days the Photo Münsingen will open its doors. A highlight of this 19th edition is the exhibition "Oh, Amiland!" by Henna and Arthur Honegger. During his time as America correspondent, the 10vor10 presenter photographed “America with a difference” together with his wife Henna.

Other photographers also talk about countries and people at Photo Münsingen 2018. In the project "Alps" Lorenz Andreas Fischer explores alpine landscapes through the ages. Florian Spring shows in his exhibition "In the nest of the crocodiles" a report about an indigenous tribe in Papua New Guinea. Beat Mumenthaler grants insights into the souls of personalities in "Close to your soul". Ueli Bühler from Rubigen shows in "Fascination Iceland" grandiose landscapes.

One focus is the new Instagram photo medium. Nine successful Instagram photographers from Switzerland present pictures on various topics on the Schlossweg. Tobias Meyer alias @cosmokoala and the @ helvetic-collectiv invite you to Meet & Greet to the Spycher youth center. With a Panel discussion and a seminar on Instagram.

In the photo club competition, 62 teams are presenting their work on the topic this year "Move" out. There are surreal worlds in the exhibitions of Janine Machiedo (D) and Susanne Jung to discover. Daniel Rohr and Bruno Kneubühler create fascinating lighting strips, flashlights and fireworks "Light art".

This variety of exhibitions is complemented by numerous audio visions. A highlight here is Multivision "Brazil" from Dr. Heiko Beyer on Friday evening. In addition to around 25 seminars, Photo Münsingen also offers free lectures by exhibiting photographers and the photo experts of the sponsors. Visit for example 'The way to your own style' with Beat Mumenthaler, that public photo shoot with Christoph Ris or the lecture 'Oh Amiland!' by Henna and Arthur Honegger.

Opening times, directions and the brochure for Photo Münsingen 2018 can be found here here…

Photo Münsingen 2018: What awaits you

Photo Münsingen 2018 is taking shape: the program is set, the brochure is in print, preparations are underway. A first overview of the highlights.

Henna and Arthur Honegger, Oh, Amiland!
A picture of the USA that only locals normally know.

Beat Mumenthaler, CLOSE TO YOUR SOUL
Portraits that give the impression of being able to look deeper into a life.

Lorenz Andreas Fischer, Alps
Melting glaciers, thawing mountain lakes, foggy landscapes or the onset of winter.

Janine Machiedo (D), SURREALITY
Surreal-bizarre worlds in moments that never happened.

Florian Spring, In the nest of the crocodiles
Report from the village of Kandinge in Papua New Guinea.

62 photo clubs from Germany and abroad
Club competition and exhibition on 'Move'.

> All exhibitions at a glance ...


Audio-vision, lectures, photo arena
Brazil - From Rio to the Amazon
Multivision with live commentary from Dr. Heiko Beyer (reservation required).

Panel discussion Instagram
Boris Baldinger speaks to Instagram photographers about the new medium.

Photo Arena 2018
Andrist to Zimmermann: 10 exhibitors show their pictures in the circular screen arena.

> All audio visions ...
> All lectures ...

The series for the Photo Arena have been selected

37 photo series from around 20 photographers were received for the Photo Arena 2018. A five-person jury selected ten series from these.

In a first round, the jury rated each series individually. Based on the points added up and taking into account that each photographer is only allowed to present one series, she then selected the exhibitors in a second round.

The jurors were (from left to right in the picture) Chris Richner, Elisabeth Aemmer, Rudolf Mäusli, Daniel Brändli and Tobias Kühn. Daniel Wälti took care of the technical preparation and processing.

The selected photo series will be presented as part of Photo Münsingen 2018 in the Photo Arena from May 10th to 13th.

Photo Münsingen 2017 in the media

An excerpt from the media coverage of Photo Münsingen 2017:


Planet of the Sparrows

It is the wild animal that comes closest to humans and yet never became a pet. House sparrows colonize cities around the world. Be it the Cham el-Chalili (one of the oldest markets in the world) in Cairo, the Notre Dame in Paris or a traffic light high above Broadway in New York; they are at home everywhere. However, the short-haul pilot would not have made the stretch across the sea to the Big Apple on its own; it was imported with cattle ships from Holland. The sparrow (old German for 'fidget') has even been declared an enemy of the people. Mao let this 'damned creature' (he supposedly ate people's rice) scare nationwide for three days until the last fell from the sky, in the end 2 billion birds were dead. As a result, pests took over and Russian tree sparrows were introduced had to ...

The exhibition "Sparrows»By Anton Riedo can be seen in the«Photo arena» the Photo Münsingen 2016.





Preview Photo Münsingen 2016 – What awaits you


National and international photographers exhibit their works in the Schlossgut area in Münsingen. Among other things, there are:

... and of course numerous other photographers.

The Photo club competition «Photo Münsingen Award"Is the theme of" energy "this year. 57 photo clubs from Germany and nearby countries take part.

Audio-vision (AV)

Perfect compositions from images, text, music and animation - immerse yourself completely in visual worlds with AV productions. Among them, for example, the German photographer Berndt Fischer with his multivision “The Green Roof of Europe, Forest Worlds between East and West”. More…

Photo arena

The digital picture presentation in the Photo-Arena allows you to view photo compositions in a short time. Find out more about the 10 picture series of 3 minutes each this year. More…


An integral part of the Photo Münsingen are also the numerous gripping lectures. For example, by Hansruedi Weyrich, The Return of the Bearded Vulture to the Alps. More…


Photo Münsingen is also an active training platform. With the diverse range of seminars, we are again offering you a wide range of current further training courses during this year's Photo Münsingen.
Advance sales for the seminars will start on March 29, 2016. You can find more information here.