Looking back on four wonderful photo days

With the theme of “Music”, Photo Münsingen attracted numerous photo enthusiasts to the Aare Valley over the Ascension Days. “The combination of photography and music was very well received by the audience,” says OK President Urs Hintermann, satisfied with this year’s edition.

“We received a lot of positive feedback on the exhibitions and events surrounding our main topic,” says Hintermann. That's what they were like Mussorgsky concert on Thursday with the photographically interpreted “Pictures at an Exhibition” or the multimedia lecture “The Art of Transformation” sold out by rock star photographer Hannes Schmid.

This year, visitors once again appreciated the exchange with the photographers or were inspired by their work. Thanks to the spring weather, the open-air exhibitions in and around the Münsinger Schlossgut area could be enjoyed to the fullest - always accompanied by melodious performances.

The organizing committee thanks the more than 100 helpers as well as sponsors, patrons and partners. Among them the main sponsors Nikon, Bookfactory and Foto Video Zumstein.

Photo Münsingen 2025 will take place from May 29th to June 1st, 2025. The Photo Club Competition takes place on the theme of “Passion”.

To the picture gallery on Flickr...
To the press reports…

Guided tours, lectures and music: an overview of all dates

On the four days of the exhibition Pho­to Mün­sin­gen In 2024 there will be numerous tours, lectures, audiovisual presentations, award ceremonies and musical performances. Plan your visit now! Here is our overview of when and what is happening.

Thursday May 09, 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Concert: Pictures at an Exhibition, Martin Klopfenstein Casino PZM
12.00 Guide: Oliver Stegmann, Circus noir Schlossstrasse 5
13.00 Guided tour: Wolf-Peter Steinheisser, Discover your Soul Castle
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Leadership: Petra Angela Imhof, Cyberized parish hall
14.00 Piano class, Aaretal Music School Castle
14.00 Guided tour/lecture: Karl Schuler, snow leopards Senior Center Schlossgut
14.00 Guide: Hannes Schmid, rock musician flower house
14.00 Photo book competition award ceremony / U25 Photo Challenge Schlossgutsaal
14.00 Opanonna Schlossgutsaal
14.30 Guided tour: Andrea Knechtle, Vestiges – The End of Something Castle Alley
14.30 Leadership: Axel Brand, Danza Castle
15.00 Guide: Graeme Oxby, The Kings of England Schlossgutplatz
15.00 Guided tour: Photo Club Münsingen, movement flower house
15.00 Lecture: Christian Burkhardt, Bookfactory Universum parish hall
15.30 Guide: Vicenc Semper, Peu de foto parish hall
16.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, taking photos is child's play Stand Nikon
16.00 Guided tour: InfraWerkeMünsingen, electricity and heat Schlossgutsaal foyer
16.00 Leadership: Nicole Rötheli, emotions – One stage Village square
16.30 Lecture: Wolf-Peter Steinheisser, Nightsessions Fürwehrhuus

Friday 10st May 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Lecture: Claudia Betschart, Bookfactory Software crash course parish hall
11.45 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall
14.00 Leadership: Gerardo Garciacano, Bodmi Flower house exterior wall
14.00 Guide: Hannes Schmid, rock musician flower house
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, sound colors Spycher youth center
15.00 Guide: Romano P. Riedo, Polaroid Work flower house
15.00 Lecture: Marco Felix, tricks for travel photography parish hall
16.00 Leadership: Manuel Giron, Unexpected Dimension Schlossstrasse 5
16.30 Lecture: Romano P. Riedo, inspiration on your doorstep Fürwehrhuus
19.00 Lecture: Hannes Schmid, The Art of Transformation Fürwehrhuus

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.00 Lecture: Ralf Turtschi, Uganda's magic in a photo book parish hall
11.00 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
11.45 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
12.00 Guided tour: Photo Club Münsingen, movement flower house
12.00 steelmusic events association parish hall
13.00 Leadership: Petra Angela Imhof, Cyberized parish hall
13.00 Guide: Vicenc Semper, Peu de foto parish hall
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Violin class, Aaretal Music School Schlossweg
13.30 Guided tour: Charles Brooks Architecture in Music Schlossweg
11.00 Award ceremony PHOTOSUISSE culture grape
14.30 Violin class, Aaretal Music School Schlossweg
14.30 Alpenrösli Yodeling Club flower house
14.30 Guide: Oliver Stegmann, Circus noir Schlossstrasse 5
15.00 Leadership: Gerardo Garciacano, Bodmi Flower house exterior wall
15.00 Guide: Graeme Oxby, The Kings of England Castle Square
15.30 Alpenrösli Yodeling Club flower house
16.00 Photo walk with Nikon Zf and Z8: Christian Reding Stand Nikon
16.00 Leadership: Manuel Giron, Unexpected Dimension Schlossstrasse 5
16.30 Lecture: Markus Eichenberger, Amazing Moments – Füürwehrhuus Fürwehrhuus

Sunday May 12, 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Lecture: Oliver Stegmann, Circus noir Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Lecture: Ralf Turtschi, designing photo books parish hall
12.00 Guide: Lorenz Andreas Fischer, Eyes of Africa connection path
13.00 Photo walk with Nikon Zf and Z8: Christian Reding Stand Nikon
13.00 Guide: Romano P. Riedo, Polaroid Work flower house
13.30 Leadership: Axel Brand, Danza Castle
14.00 Guided tour: Wolf-Peter Steinheisser, Discover your Soul Castle
14.30 Guided tour/lecture: Karl Schuler, snow leopards Senior Center Schlossgut
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, sound colors Spycher youth center
15.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall
15.30 Leadership: Andrea Knechtle, Vestiges The End of Something – Schlossallee
16.00 Leadership: Nicole Rötheli, emotions – on stage Village square
16.00 Guided tour: InfraWerkeMünsingen, electricity and heat Schlossgutsaal foyer

Photo Münsingen 2024: Music in focus

The theme of “Music” is at the center of Photo Münsingen 2024: the competition for photo clubs and eleven of the 27 exhibitions are dedicated to it. You can see, among other things, rock stars, Elvis impersonators, the inner workings of musical instruments and an interpretation of the work “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky. Let's take a first look at a program full of music photography!

First there is the concert photography: the well-known Swiss photographer Hannes Schmid photographed rock stars on and off stage in the 1980s. In Münsingen he shows a selection of his photographs. They not only show well-known figures, but also capture the cultural changes and gender dynamics of this time.

“Emotions on Stage” is the name of the concert photographer’s exhibition Nicole Rötheli. She is present with the camera when musicians like Hecht, Stress or Stefanie Heinzmann perform. Grant emotional looks in blues and jazz clubs Wolf-Peter Steinheisser and Vicenç Semper.

Dance, instruments and Elvis

Axel Brand focuses on the elegance of dancers in his fine art black and white photography. Charles Brooks In “Architecture in Music” he takes a fascinating look at instruments from the inside.

Graeme Oxby documents the subculture of Elvis impersonators and their stories. Students of the CAP photography school photographed on the topic of “sound colors”.

Mussorgsky reinterpreted

Two special projects make the connection between music and photography directly tangible. Seraina Marchal was commissioned to create photos for the musical piece “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky. Mussorgsky composed his piano cycle in 1874 to match paintings and drawings. 150 years later, Seraina Marchal took the opposite approach for Photo Münsingen and was inspired by Mussorgsky's work. Your images will be projected alongside a piano concert played live by the pianist Martin Klopfenstein and will then be exhibited.

The versatile instrumentalist does it the other way around Wieslaw Pipczynski. He will improvise live on four series of images. Members of various photography clubs submitted the images.

The work of the photo clubs

The central component of Photo Münsingen is the competition for photo clubs. 52 photo clubs from all over Switzerland and neighboring countries took photos on the topic of “Music” and competed with their tableaux in the coveted competition «Photo Muensingen Award». These are being carried out for the second time U25 Photo Challenge and the Photo Book Contest.

In the area of ​​club photography they represent Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten Images on the topic of “movement”. Photographers from Münsingen will also present their works on the topic “Electricity and heat”.

PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition. The award ceremony for the «Swiss Photography Championship» by PHOTOSUISSE will again take place as part of Photo Münsingen.

Animals, places and society

Other photo exhibitions are dedicated to social phenomena: Petra Angela Imhof “Cyberized” explores the relationship between people and technology. Gerardo Garciacano shows street portraits of skiers and snowboarders. Oliver Stegmann takes a look behind the circus scenes in “Circus noir”.

Andrea Knechtle captures forgotten spaces and traces of past lives in “Vestiges – The End of Something”. Unexpected urban perspectives developed Manuel Giron. Romano P. Riedo presents Polaroid images with a special depth. Markus Eichenberger was impressed by the breathtaking starry sky in the Swiss Alps.

Lorenz Andreas Fischer shows animal portraits from Africa. And Karl Schuler After all, he was traveling in the realm of the snow leopards, where he ended up meeting them.

Book a date now!

Photo Münsingen also belong to this year audiovisual productions, Lectures, Photo workshops and – in keeping with the annual theme – musical performances. Take a look at our program now and mark the Ascension Days from May 9th to 12th, 2024 in bold on your agenda!

The diversity of Photo Münsingen 2023 was well received

Various aspects of water photography and the topic of "customs" in the competition of the photo clubs were the focal points of the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023. The organizing committee is extremely satisfied with the four days of the exhibition.

 "Great atmosphere, ideal exhibition weather, large audience," is how OC President Urs Hintermann looks back on four successful exhibition days. The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023 was very well received by both visitors and participants.

"I received a lot of feedback, almost all of it positive," Hintermann said on Sunday afternoon. Especially the innovations like the photo book competition, the U25 Pho­to Chall­enge or the additional exhibition venues, there have been good reactions.

The visitors seemed to appreciate the festival atmosphere and the exchange: the guided tours and lectures by the photographers and experts present met with great interest.

The organizing committee thanks the more than 100 helpers as well as sponsors, patrons and partners. Among them the main sponsors Nikon, Bookfactory and Foto Video Zumstein.

The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2024 will take place from May 9th to 12th, 2024.

To the photo gallery of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023...

Great support for new exhibition walls

The Münsingen photo club took part in Migros' "Support Culture" campaign. The action is now complete. The loyal collectors scanned a total of 5972 club vouchers.

This means that the Münsingen photo club will receive around 1500 francs from Migros. The amount is for new exhibition walls Pho­to Mün­sin­gen intended. Congratulations to everyone who scanned!

Photo Münsingen 2023: water, customs and new competitions

"Water" in all its diversity is the main theme of the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023. We are proud that Michel Roggo - one of the best underwater photographers - is bringing us closer to the underwater world of the Amazon and Aare. In 2023 there are other aspects of "water photography" to be discovered, the club competition on the topic of "customs", many creative photo exhibitions, lectures, audiovisual productions and photo workshops.

Michel Rogo shows at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023 in his unmistakable style the underwater world from the Amazon to the Aare. He not only exhibits current pictures, but also speaks in one Lecture on Friday evening also about his work.

Six other exhibitions show "water photography" in all its diversity: There are the icy worlds of the marine biologist Julia Hager, the «flooded cathedrals» of Silvio Maraini or the waterfall photos from Jean-Francois Delhom.

Reported in «Border of Hope» Lauren Schmid via the risky escape route from Libya across the Mediterranean to Europe. Urs Wohlwend photographed for his coastal pictures with a moving camera. And Res Reinhard continued for his series «Eau et Noir» Dancers with water elements in scene.

Club competition on the theme "Customs"

An important element of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen is also this year the club photography. 48 teams compete at the «Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award» on the subject of "customs". The Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten exhibit pictures on the subject of «Yellow».

The PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition. The award ceremony for the «Swiss Photography Championship» by PHOTOSUISSE will again take place as part of Photo Münsingen.

People, landscapes and silent helpers

Other photo exhibitions deal with people, landscapes and silent helpers: Melinda Blättler photographed for her project «99x ein­zig­ar­tig #un­ge­fil­ter­te Por­traits» People with a flaw, taboo subject or illness. Marielsa Niels questioned in «Dans l'antre du soi» our concept of female-male. Gia Chkhatarashvili shows the daily life of the inhabitants of two mountain regions of Georgia.

For «Mo­der­ni­zing Na­tu­re» photographed Zak van Biljon the beauty of nature in the near infrared. Thomas Biasotto in turn, he combines daylight shots with starry skies for his «Landscapes at Night». Alexandra Schmid placed everyday objects in the center of attention in “Employee of the Month”.

For the first time with a photo exhibition as a guest at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen is the CAP photography school. 16 students of the intensive practical course show a cross-section of the work created in the current training year.

«U25 Photo Challenge» and photo book competition

The organizing committee has decided to implement some new ideas for this year. "We want to entice younger people to take photos," says President Urs Hintermann. This year, for the first time, the «U25 Photo Challenge» on the subject of water. It will be together with the internet portal BERN-OST carried out. The best pictures will be exhibited in Münsingen.

Besides, she wants Pho­to Mün­sin­gen offer a platform for the photo book as a medium of expression. At the Photo Book Contest together with main sponsor Book­fac­to­ry the best, most original or unusual photo books are sought. The most beautiful results are also exhibited there.

Book a date now!

Photo Münsingen also belong to this year audiovisual productions, Lectures, Photo workshops and product demos. Take a look at our program now and mark the Ascension Days from May 18 to 21, 2023 in bold on your agenda!

Cover picture: © Michel Roggo

“Great, can we get together again”

Pleasant atmosphere, ideal exhibition weather, a lot of positive feedback: After four ideal exhibition days, we draw a positive balance.

«Pleasant atmosphere, ideal exhibition weather, lots of positive feedback. We are very satisfied», summed up Urs Hintermann, OC President of Photo Münsingen, on Sunday afternoon.

According to an initial estimate, around 3500 to 4000 people interested in photography attended Photo Münsingen 2022. This corresponds to the long-term average before the pandemic. In particular, the presentations by various photographers and experts were well received.

Urs Hintermann: «Great, can we get together again. People feel the need to attend such events again. So we experienced a nice exchange between photographers, visitors and sponsors.»

We would like to thank the more than 100 helpers as well as sponsors, patrons and partners. Among them the main sponsors Nikon, Bookfactory and Foto Video Zumstein.

Photo Münsingen 2023 will take place from May 18th to 21st, 2023.

Impressions of Photo Münsingen 2022: pictures and social media

The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen is in full swing. Our photo team is on the way. Impressions, reports and posts can be found in our picture gallery and on the social media channels.

At the nuclear gallery and on Flickr we have photos of the vernissage and first impressions of Photo Münsingen 2022.

Use the hashtag #photomuensingen! And follow us on our social media channels for up-to-date information and impressions:

Hot off the press: our brochure is here

The brochure of Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2022 gives an overview of the photo exhibitions, lectures, audiovisual presentations and photo workshops. It also contains exciting photographer interviews and information about sponsors and partners. Continue reading

Photo Münsingen 2022: sports photography, abstracts, portraits and more

Photo Münsingen will be back in just over three months! This year's edition will open its doors from May 26th to 29th, 2022. The focus is on sports photography and the competition for photo clubs with the theme «Abstract». The program also includes black and white portraits, architectural and landscape photography, lectures, photo workshops, audiovisual productions and much more.

The 2020 and 2021 edition of Photo Münsingen could not be carried out due to the corona pandemic. This year, however, we are confident that Photo Münsingen can take place from May 26th to 29th, 2022 on the beautiful Schlossgut area and that we can experience inspiring encounters again. Some exciting additions have been made to the program originally planned for 2020.

Focus on sports photography

In the Photo exhibitions sports photography is a focus: six photographers devote themselves to different sports:

Club photography is further in the focus: 55 teams compete at the «Photo Muensingen Award» on the topic "Abstract". the Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten exhibit pictures on the topic of «transparency». The PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition.

People, creatives and the pandemic

The portrait series "Je te regarde et tu dis" by Thomas Kern. The two-time winner of one World Press Award photographed the people of Freiburg in their homes. Also the series «Artistic Nudes» by Barbara Huwiler and "It's so old...!" from Doris Wuthrich show people.

There are also creative photo exhibitions, including: Brigitte Aeberhard to the poetry of blur, Csaba Balasi (RO) with his Winter Story, Har­ry Lie­ber (DE) on fine art architecture photography and Werner Richners (EN) Magic Moments.

The Photo arena offers ten photographers a platform to present their picture series on twelve screens.

And our way of dealing with the pandemic is also given space in an exhibition. The 20 best pictures of the competition «Live and take pictures in times of Corona» will be shown at Photo Münsingen 2022 in the Schlossgut area.

With the single axle to the North Cape

At the nuclear Audio Vision “Totally Wacky” Andreas Zimmermann reports how he drove to the North Cape with the two-wheeler. Additional audiovisual productions are presented on the big screen in the Füürwehrsaal every afternoon.

The Photo Münsingen also offers various Lectures, more than 20 Photo workshops, product demos and lots of opportunities to exchange ideas about photography, your own ideas and the associated technology.

Reserve the Ascension Days from May 26th to 29th, 2022!