Looking back on four wonderful photo days

With the theme of “Music”, Photo Münsingen attracted numerous photo enthusiasts to the Aare Valley over the Ascension Days. “The combination of photography and music was very well received by the audience,” says OK President Urs Hintermann, satisfied with this year’s edition.

“We received a lot of positive feedback on the exhibitions and events surrounding our main topic,” says Hintermann. That's what they were like Mussorgsky concert on Thursday with the photographically interpreted “Pictures at an Exhibition” or the multimedia lecture “The Art of Transformation” sold out by rock star photographer Hannes Schmid.

This year, visitors once again appreciated the exchange with the photographers or were inspired by their work. Thanks to the spring weather, the open-air exhibitions in and around the Münsinger Schlossgut area could be enjoyed to the fullest - always accompanied by melodious performances.

The organizing committee thanks the more than 100 helpers as well as sponsors, patrons and partners. Among them the main sponsors Nikon, Bookfactory and Foto Video Zumstein.

Photo Münsingen 2025 will take place from May 29th to June 1st, 2025. The Photo Club Competition takes place on the theme of “Passion”.

To the picture gallery on Flickr...
To the press reports…

Photo Münsingen Award 2024 goes to Austria

This is the second time in its history Photo Münsingen Award according to Austria. The Erste Fotoclub Lustenau impressed the jury with its tableau “The Movement of Music”. Works from Basel and Meyrin follow on podium places two and three.

“The tableau is surprising, technically sophisticated and well done,” is how the jury summarizes the work of the Erste Fotoclub Lustenau on this year’s theme “Music”. The technique in which movement sequences were consciously used supported the image content. “The composition is slightly redundant, but the same distance gives something calming to the 'moving' tableau in which the instruments 'sound',” said the jury, which also liked the warm image tone.

Second place goes to “Purple Fury” from Fotowerk Basel. The jury describes this work as “classic stage photography, solidly implemented and monochrome (purple) designed.” “Plein les Oreilles” is the name of the tableau by Club Activités Photo Meyrin (CAPM) in third place.

The jury for the photography club competition consisted of Gabi Ortner, Guy Jost and Beat Suter. The three state: “Although the topic of “music” offers a very broad spectrum, which was also visible in the submitted works, it is demanding and difficult to present.” Many of the submitted works are of a similar level. Only a few surprised in terms of execution, impact and technical quality.

A total of 50 teams submitted their work on the topic of “music”. All tableaus are on display at Photo Münsingen in the Schlossgutsaal. Visitors can also judge the photography clubs’ works there.

The competition theme for next year is already known: At the Photo Münsingen Award 2025, everything is focused on “passion”.

To the exposition…
To the public competition…

Photo Münsingen 2024: Music in focus

The theme of “Music” is at the center of Photo Münsingen 2024: the competition for photo clubs and eleven of the 27 exhibitions are dedicated to it. You can see, among other things, rock stars, Elvis impersonators, the inner workings of musical instruments and an interpretation of the work “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky. Let's take a first look at a program full of music photography!

First there is the concert photography: the well-known Swiss photographer Hannes Schmid photographed rock stars on and off stage in the 1980s. In Münsingen he shows a selection of his photographs. They not only show well-known figures, but also capture the cultural changes and gender dynamics of this time.

“Emotions on Stage” is the name of the concert photographer’s exhibition Nicole Rötheli. She is present with the camera when musicians like Hecht, Stress or Stefanie Heinzmann perform. Grant emotional looks in blues and jazz clubs Wolf-Peter Steinheisser and Vicenç Semper.

Dance, instruments and Elvis

Axel Brand focuses on the elegance of dancers in his fine art black and white photography. Charles Brooks In “Architecture in Music” he takes a fascinating look at instruments from the inside.

Graeme Oxby documents the subculture of Elvis impersonators and their stories. Students of the CAP photography school photographed on the topic of “sound colors”.

Mussorgsky reinterpreted

Two special projects make the connection between music and photography directly tangible. Seraina Marchal was commissioned to create photos for the musical piece “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky. Mussorgsky composed his piano cycle in 1874 to match paintings and drawings. 150 years later, Seraina Marchal took the opposite approach for Photo Münsingen and was inspired by Mussorgsky's work. Your images will be projected alongside a piano concert played live by the pianist Martin Klopfenstein and will then be exhibited.

The versatile instrumentalist does it the other way around Wieslaw Pipczynski. He will improvise live on four series of images. Members of various photography clubs submitted the images.

The work of the photo clubs

The central component of Photo Münsingen is the competition for photo clubs. 52 photo clubs from all over Switzerland and neighboring countries took photos on the topic of “Music” and competed with their tableaux in the coveted competition «Photo Muensingen Award». These are being carried out for the second time U25 Photo Challenge and the Photo Book Contest.

In the area of ​​club photography they represent Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten Images on the topic of “movement”. Photographers from Münsingen will also present their works on the topic “Electricity and heat”.

PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition. The award ceremony for the «Swiss Photography Championship» by PHOTOSUISSE will again take place as part of Photo Münsingen.

Animals, places and society

Other photo exhibitions are dedicated to social phenomena: Petra Angela Imhof “Cyberized” explores the relationship between people and technology. Gerardo Garciacano shows street portraits of skiers and snowboarders. Oliver Stegmann takes a look behind the circus scenes in “Circus noir”.

Andrea Knechtle captures forgotten spaces and traces of past lives in “Vestiges – The End of Something”. Unexpected urban perspectives developed Manuel Giron. Romano P. Riedo presents Polaroid images with a special depth. Markus Eichenberger was impressed by the breathtaking starry sky in the Swiss Alps.

Lorenz Andreas Fischer shows animal portraits from Africa. And Karl Schuler After all, he was traveling in the realm of the snow leopards, where he ended up meeting them.

Book a date now!

Photo Münsingen also belong to this year audiovisual productions, Lectures, Photo workshops and – in keeping with the annual theme – musical performances. Take a look at our program now and mark the Ascension Days from May 9th to 12th, 2024 in bold on your agenda!

The audience's favourites

"Customs" was the theme of the Competition for photo clubs um den Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award 2023. After the jury at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen which makes 'official' ranking announced, also had that during the four days of the exhibition audience the opportunity to vote for your favourites. Now these are counted.

The following tableaus went down best with the audience:

Photo Club Fricktal Moving tradition 562 votes
Photo club Sense CHAPEAU! 395 votes
Photo club Thun Fulfillment 325 votes
Münsingen photo club charcoal burning 300 votes
Photo club Rapperswil-Jona And tomorrow a king... 284 votes
Photo Club Lucerne fondue fun 274 votes

The competition theme for next year is already known: the Photo Münsingen Award 2024 is about “music”. Interested photo clubs can register for the competition until August 31st register.

The Photo Münsingen Award 2023 goes to Appenzell

"Cowwalk" is the name of the winner tableau Photo Club Competition with Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2023. The Photo Club Appenzellerland convinced the three-person jury. A total of 47 teams from all over Switzerland and neighboring countries took part in the “Customs” competition.

The jury praised the "modern, striking image conception" of the winning tableau. The work plays with details and is characterized by a colorful and fresh way of presentation, she writes in the exhibition catalogue.

This year the jury consisted of Susanna Brändli, Guy Jost and Roland Steffen. "The spectrum of submitted images is large and appropriately reflects the diversity of the subject," the three judges summarized. Many works are on a similar level, only a few have dropped in terms of effect, implementation or technical quality.

Second and third places go to the Sense photo club with the tableau «CHAPEAU!» and the Fricktal photo club with «Bewegte Tradition». The Thun Photo Club («Fulehung»), the Brown Boveri Baden Camera Club («Celtic Rough Nights») and the Dietikon Amateur Photo Club («Alpabzug») follow in fourth to sixth place.

All tableaux are exhibited at Photo Münsingen in the Schlossgutsaal. There, visitors can also judge the work of the photo clubs and win nice prizes. Six winners will be drawn from all the talons submitted. Vouchers from Nikon, Foto Video Zumstein and Bookfactory are waiting for them.

The competition theme for next year is already known: the Photo Münsingen Award 2024 is about “music”.

The Photo Münsingen Award 2022 goes to Lucerne

"Last Call" is the name of the winner tableau Photo Club Competition with Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2022. The work of the Lucerne photo team convinced the jury. 50 teams from all over Switzerland took part in the "Abstract" competition.

 "Very, very, beautiful," said Antonino Catalano about the tableau of the Photo teams Lucerne on the occasion of the vernissage. The picture was discussed in the three-person jury. «The cable in the middle is the connection between above and below. The four components on the page form a circle that holds together. And the red dot looks like the dot on the I,” Catalano describes the composition. Alongside him, Alice Lautenschlager and Anita Vozza acted as jurors.

The jury placed the photo club Münsingen with "Berner Brunnen" and the photo club Ebikon with "water colors" in second and third place. Then come the Fotoclub Fricktal (“Curved”), the Fotofreunde Oberaargau (“Indigo”) and the Fotoklub Solothurn (“Abstract”).

All panels are at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen exhibited in the castle hall. There, visitors can also judge the work of the photo clubs and win nice prizes. Six winners will be drawn from all the talons submitted on Sunday, May 29th. Vouchers from Nikon, Foto Video Zumstein and Bookfactory are waiting for them.

Incidentally, the theme of the competition for next year is already known: the Photo Münsingen Award 2023 is about “customs”.

To the exposition…
To the visitor competition…

Competition for photo clubs 2022: the jury

«Abstract» is the theme of the photo club competition Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2022. On April 2nd, the jury of the competition met in Belp. Alice Lautenschlager (St. Gallen), Anita Vozza (Magglingen) and Antonino Catalano (Glis) judged the submitted tableaux.

This year, 50 teams from all over Switzerland and neighboring countries participated in the Photo Club Competition participated. Her tableaux will be on display in the Schlossgutsaal. The works contain four or five pictures of different club members.

The winners of the competition will be announced at the vernissage on May 25, 2022. Waiting for the winning club «Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award 2022» and 500 francs, donated by the municipality of Münsingen. Ranks two through six will be rewarded with coupons from Foto Vi­deo Zum­stein rewarded.

Manfred Schär was present with the camera during the judging. His impressions are in the gallery...

Photo Münsingen 2022: sports photography, abstracts, portraits and more

Photo Münsingen will be back in just over three months! This year's edition will open its doors from May 26th to 29th, 2022. The focus is on sports photography and the competition for photo clubs with the theme «Abstract». The program also includes black and white portraits, architectural and landscape photography, lectures, photo workshops, audiovisual productions and much more.

The 2020 and 2021 edition of Photo Münsingen could not be carried out due to the corona pandemic. This year, however, we are confident that Photo Münsingen can take place from May 26th to 29th, 2022 on the beautiful Schlossgut area and that we can experience inspiring encounters again. Some exciting additions have been made to the program originally planned for 2020.

Focus on sports photography

In the Photo exhibitions sports photography is a focus: six photographers devote themselves to different sports:

Club photography is further in the focus: 55 teams compete at the «Photo Muensingen Award» on the topic "Abstract". the Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten exhibit pictures on the topic of «transparency». The PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition.

People, creatives and the pandemic

The portrait series "Je te regarde et tu dis" by Thomas Kern. The two-time winner of one World Press Award photographed the people of Freiburg in their homes. Also the series «Artistic Nudes» by Barbara Huwiler and "It's so old...!" from Doris Wuthrich show people.

There are also creative photo exhibitions, including: Brigitte Aeberhard to the poetry of blur, Csaba Balasi (RO) with his Winter Story, Har­ry Lie­ber (DE) on fine art architecture photography and Werner Richners (EN) Magic Moments.

The Photo arena offers ten photographers a platform to present their picture series on twelve screens.

And our way of dealing with the pandemic is also given space in an exhibition. The 20 best pictures of the competition «Live and take pictures in times of Corona» will be shown at Photo Münsingen 2022 in the Schlossgut area.

With the single axle to the North Cape

At the nuclear Audio Vision “Totally Wacky” Andreas Zimmermann reports how he drove to the North Cape with the two-wheeler. Additional audiovisual productions are presented on the big screen in the Füürwehrsaal every afternoon.

The Photo Münsingen also offers various Lectures, more than 20 Photo workshops, product demos and lots of opportunities to exchange ideas about photography, your own ideas and the associated technology.

Reserve the Ascension Days from May 26th to 29th, 2022!

Club competition «Urban»: Ranking announcement by video

On Wednesday, May 12th from 19.00 p.m. we will announce the winners of the photo club competition. The ranking announcement on a small scale takes place in the form of a video on this website.

The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen 2021 cannot take place due to the pandemic. However, the organizing committee decided to let the tableaus of the club competition on the subject of «Urban» be judged anyway. The ranking is announced on a small scale. The handover of the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award 2021 will take place in the form of a video and will open on Wednesday, May 12th from 19.00pm this website broadcast.

After the digital ranking has been announced, the club rankings and all 60 submitted tableaus are posted on the website of the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen released. All participating clubs will receive the “Urban” competition catalog after the lift.

To the Photo Münsingen Award 2021

Photo Münsingen 2020: sports photography and urban

From May 21 to 24, 2020, the topic "Urban" and sports photography will be the focus of the 21st Photo Münsingen. There are also multifaceted photo exhibitions, current club photography, the Photo Arena, lectures, photo workshops and audiovisual productions.

Sports photography is a focus of this year's Photo Münsingen. Six photo exhibitions are dedicated to different sports:

“Urban” theme in the competition for photo clubs

The focus in 2020 will also be on club photography: over 60 teams compete for the «Photo Muensingen Award» on the subject of “urban”. The photo clubs out Muensingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten exhibit pictures on their annual theme of "transparency". The Photosuisse shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition.

In other photo exhibitions, photographers present their creative work, including: Elena Martynyuk (RU) with Fantasy, Brigitte Aeberhard zur Poetry of blurring, Csaba Balási (RO) with his Winter story, Harry Lieber (DE) for Fine art architecture photography and Werner Richners (DE) Magic moments.

With the single axle to the North Cape

The digital one Photo arena offers ten photographers a platform to present their series of images on 12 screens. In the Audio Vision 'Totally Crazy' Andreas Zimmermann reports how he drove to the North Cape with the single-axle vehicle. Further audiovisual productions are presented on the big screen every afternoon in the Füürwehrsaal. Lectures, photo workshops and guided tours enable the exchange between photographers and those interested in photography.

Reserve the Ascension Days from May 21 to 24, 2020 for your visit to Münsingen now. We look forward to you!