• Lecture 2016

    Bodypainting - concept & composition

  • Speaker

    Johannes Stötter

  • Location


  • Time

    Thursday, May 5, 2016, 11.00

Bodypainting - concept & composition

In this lecture Johannes Stötter presents various aspects of the approach to a body painting work: the draft of a concept; The importance of the harmony between motif and model; Color compositions; Mold compositions; Perspective and lighting conditions; The order of the various work steps; Preparation and planning; etc. Dealing with these aspects gives an insight into the art form "body painting".

Johannes Stötter

johannes stoetter - portrait authorJohannes Stötter, artist and musician, started painting bodies in 2000. His first bodypainting experiment sparked a passion in him, which became the main content of his life. Since he was never really influenced by other body artists, his style and way of working are considered very individual and differ greatly from those of other body painters.

In 2009 Johannes joined the international body painting community and developed into a professional body painter. Many of his works are influenced by nature and spiritual themes. His art is also used in advertising films, music videos, CD covers, as well as in live performances, workshops, competitions, exhibitions, etc.

His greatest successes to date have been the world championship title in 2012 and the runner-up world championship title in 2011 and 2014, both in the brush/sponge category. In 2013, he attracted international media attention and became world famous by publishing his animal illusions.