• Lecture 2016

    The greatest thing that was ever invented

  • Speaker

    Thomas Herbrich

  • Location


  • Time

    Sunday, May 8, 2016, 11.00

The greatest thing that was ever invented

Thomas Herbrich is considered the photographer for the spectacular pictures. In the meantime he has moved his work to the stage and makes “shows to be amazed” with his photos. His projector lecture "THE GREATEST THING THAT WAS EVER INVENTED" reports on an everyday object without which our society could not have developed - we would be centuries back.

This “great thing” has been around for 2000 years, without it there would be hardly any books and schools, no wallpaper, no opera, no newspapers, for example. Photography and electricity would certainly not have been invented yet, NASA would not have been able to land on the moon without it - and you and I, we wouldn't be born either!

Come to his very entertaining show and be amazed! And when you go home, you will see this banal object with completely different eyes - you are guaranteed to have it in a drawer!

Thomas Herbrich

thomas herbrich - portrait author_300Thomas Herbrich, born in 1955, is one of the very special photographers. His motto is: "Surprise yourself - and your audience!"

He loves spectacular. His photos are often produced with great effort and show scenes as we know them from Hollywood films. It was not for nothing that he did the special effects for Roland Emmerich's first feature film, and he calls the great American director Stanley Kubrick “his guru”.

As a trained photographer, he did not switch to the film business because “you are just a cog in the machine”, but brought the world of film into the photo. So he has total control over the end result.

His pictures are always games with reality. He twists it, but so that it looks believable. As in the film: He wants to entertain, inspire and amaze people. Photomontage is his working principle, and he is one of the pioneers of digital image montage, which he has been doing since 1990.

Thomas Herbrich speaks very entertainingly about his work, and he does this at events for professional photography, in universities and photo schools worldwide. Now he sees his photographic future mainly on the stage. He does shows about photography, but also about cultural-historical topics, on which he sometimes works for years. “I always want to surprise and astonish people. I want people to come out of my shows with sparkling eyes. "