• 1st place: CCBB Camera Club Brown Boveri Baden, Der Damm

    rank 1 07 ccbb camera club brown boveri klingnauer damm rs
  • 2nd place: Photo club Sense, The course of life

    rank 2 43 photo club sense 4 01 5 rs
  • 3rd place: Fotofreunde Oberaargau, Fast Food

    rank 3 34 fotofreunde oberaargau fast food rs
  • 4th place: Club d'activités photo de Meyrin, Flamenco

    rank 4 08 capm 4 10 capm de geneve rs
  • 5th place: Société Genevoise de Photographie, Whirl

    rank 5 63 sgp 5 22v3 rs
  • 6th place: Photo club Rapperswil-Jona, Moved

    rank 6 26 tableaurapperswiljonamikado2 rs
  • Exhibition 2018

    62 photo clubs, «Move»

  • Place


  • Vernissage

    Wednesday, May 9, 2018, 19.00

«Move» - Competition among photo clubs

«Move» was the topic of the big photo club competition for the coveted «Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award 2018».

The photo clubs were able to give free rein to their creativity in setting topics and implementing them accordingly. Up to five photographers could present a maximum of 5 images (i.e. 1 image / photographer) in a team.

The photos were evaluated by a professional jury consisting of Lorenz Andreas Fischer, Susanna Brändli and Beat Mumenthaler. On the occasion of the vernissage on May 9, 2018, the winners of the competition were announced «Move» announced.

The winners of the 2018 photo club competition

1st place: CCBB Ca­me­ra Club Brown Bo­veri Ba­den, Der Damm
2st place: Fo­to­klub Sen­se, Der Lauf des Lebens
3st place: Fo­to­freun­de Ober­aar­gau, Fast Food
4st place: Club d'activités pho­to de Mey­rin, Flamenco
5st place: So­cié­té Ge­ne­voi­se de Pho­to­gra­phie, Whirl
6st place: Fo­to­club Rap­pers­wil-Jona, Moved

The participating photo clubs 2018

The following photo clubs take part in the photo club competition on the subject of "Move":

AAR­SO Fo­to­club Zofingen
Ama­teur Fot­club Dietikon
BIS Pho­to Section
Bobst Photoclub
BSW-Fo­to­grup­pe Villingen-Schwenningen
CCBB Ca­me­ra Club Brown Bo­veri Baden
Club d'activités pho­to de Meyrin
Pho­to club Gland
EFFV­CO Ei­sen­bah­ner Foto-Film-Vi­deo-Club Olten
Foto Club Basel
Fo­to­ama­teu­re Ten­in­gen e.V.
Foto-Club Ap­pen­zel­ler­land
Fo­to­club Birrfeld
Fo­to­club Blen­de 79
Fo­to­club Blen­de 8 Bern
Fo­to­club Dreisamtal
Fo­to­club Ebikon
Fo­to­club gegenLICHT
Fo­to­club Hasle-Rüegsau
Fo­to­club Huttwil
Fo­to­club Luzern
Fo­to­club Münsingen
Fo­to­club Rapperswil-Jona
Fo­to­club Romanshorn
Fo­to­club Schwyz
Fo­to­club Spektral
Fo­to­club St. Gallen
Fo­to­club Thun
Fo­to­club Zürisee
Fo­to­freun­de Frei­burg (D)
Fo­to­freun­de Oberaargau
Fo­to­freun­de Schopf­heim (D)
Fo­to­grup­pe Sek­ti­on Bern SAC
Foto-Klub Belp
Fo­to­klub Biel
Fo­to­klub der Klub­schu­le Mi­gros St. Gallen
Fo­to­klub Dübendorf
Fo­to­klub Lyss
Fo­to­klub Reinach
Fo­to­klub Schaffhausen
Fo­to­klub Sense
Fo­to­klub Solothurn
Fo­to­team Im Visier
Fo­to­team Luzern
Fo­to­ver­ein Sempach
Fo­to­werk Basel
Glar­ner Fotoclub
IBM Fo­to­club
Pho­to Club Lausanne
Pho­to In­ter­na­tio­nal Club Zurich
Pho­to-Club Fribourg
Pho­to­club Riedisheim
Pho­to­gra­phi­sche Ge­sell­schaft Bern
Pho­to­gra­phi­sche Ge­sell­schaft Winterthur
Pho­to­klub Hinterthurgau
phototeam66 Mün­chen­stein
So­cié­té Ge­ne­voi­se de Photographie