• mg 1869 edited
  • Lecture 2018

    Bastian Baer, ​​Better landscapes with the right filter

  • Location

    Kirch­ge­mein­de­haus Room U1

  • Time

    Thursday, May 10, 2018, 15.00 - 16.00

    Sunday, May 13, 2018, 15.00 - 16.00

Better landscapes with the right filter

Take your landscape pictures to a new level. Today's cameras keep getting better and a lot can be done in post-production.

However, even today certain filters cannot be replaced digitally or only through very complex processing. This lecture is aimed at everyone who would like to learn more about filters in digital photography.

What does it take to get started, what makes sense and how do I best use the filters?

All of these questions will be answered during this lecture. Receive tips on how to get the most out of your landscape shots.

Bastian Baer

Bastian has been working for Foto Video Zumstein for 8 years, completed his training as a photo specialist and also does a lot of photography in his free time.

Bastian: "A filter set is always with me, especially when I'm traveling and in nature."