• Lecture 2018

    CEWE photo book design

  • Location

    Kirch­ge­mein­de­haus Room U1

  • Time

    Friday, May 11, 2018, 14.30 - 15.15
    Saturday, May 12, 2018, 14.30 - 15.15

    Friday, May 11, 2018, 15.20 - 16.05
    Saturday, May 12, 2018, 15.20 - 16.05


In the “Basics” lecture you will learn about the most important functions of the design software. You will learn everything you need to know about creating a book. Understandably and simply explained. Register - and be amazed how easy it is


  • Organize, manage and prepare photos
  • Structure of the photo book
  • The wizard - quick and easy to design
  • Change, adapt, add - everything can be changed
  • The free design and use of page layouts
  • Use of backgrounds
  • The special effect: use of masks, frames, shadows and cliparts
  • Image processing with the CEWE FOTOSCHAU
  • Design tips

Whether vacation, wedding or children's birthday: there are moments in life that you would like to capture forever. This wish comes true with the CEWE PHOTOBOOK, a real printed and bound book with your photos.

From the first to the last page, personal memories, photos and texts can be arranged according to your taste with the help of the award-winning, free CEWE PHOTOBOOK software. The design is particularly easy with the practical software assistant. In addition, attractive backgrounds, layouts and designs are available free of charge. Your own photo book is guaranteed to be a very special highlight.

The CEWE PHOTOBOOK is also convincing in terms of quality: This is proven by regular test wins and top positions in reviews from leading specialist magazines. The finished CEWE PHOTOBOOK can simply be sent online or burned on CD to one of our trading partners. Anyone who has once designed a CEWE PHOTOBOOK does not want to forego the many creative possibilities again.

Thorsten Schütte