• Author

    Katja and Josef Niedermeier (DE)

  • Location


  • Time

    Friday, May 31, 2019, 19.00 - 21.00

A prior (free) reservation is required for this presentation. For reservation ...


The legacy of Lemuria

Multivision with live commentary

Madagascar is different. Madagascar is said to be the “place of all origin”! 250 million years ago, the huge continent of Gondwana broke apart, Africa migrated north, India east. Since then, Madagascar has drifted as a splinter of this ancient continent in the Indian Ocean. The isolation has preserved animal species that have become extinct in other parts of the world, such as the lemurs. These half-apes pose a puzzle. Are you the last link to Lemuria, the legendary continent that is said to have sunk into the sea 50 years ago? According to a scientific theory from the 000th century, Lemuria is said to be from Madagascar to Malaysia. In Lemuria, the dead are said to have had great power.

The Malagasy people also lead a life in the sense of the dead.

On their search for clues, Katja and Beppo Niedermeier encounter the ancestors and myths of the Madagascans, bizarre landscapes and a wealth of animals and plants that even the imagination could not invent in a more abstract way. In their current live film and photo multivision, the two speakers get to the bottom of Madagascar's secrets. The presentation on the big screen takes viewers on a journey of discovery into the land of a thousand fables and legends. Is Madagascar really the legacy of the Lemurian myth?

Katja and Josef Niedermeier (DE)

Katja and Josef Niedermeier shared the dream 11 years ago of exploring Madagascar on their own. This joint trip was trend-setting for the photographer team. After studying biology and training to become a specialist journalist, they worked as speakers at the renowned Institute for Film and Image in Munich. Today they are dedicated to documenting Africa under the name FocusWelten. Finding out interesting facts about flora and fauna, getting to know the peoples of Africa and experiencing adventures with all your senses are capitalized in the multivisions of the two ethologists. The aim is to offer both informative and exciting multivisions on the cutting edge. High-performance projectors make it possible to capture an image quality on the screen that is equal to the slide. Digital technology opens up new design possibilities that allow the audience to experience the travels more closely than ever before, and the special narrative style of FocusWelten brings the stories to life.

Katja and Josef Niedermeier are appointed members of the Gesellschaft für Bild und Vortrag eV

The live lecture will be given with specially composed music in 16: 9 format.

Further information: www.focuswelten-livereportagen.de

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