• Exhibition 2019

    Jürg Ramseier, My Münsingen

  • Location

    Schloss, Ground floor at the back

  • Guided tour

    Fri and Sat, 14.00 p.m. each time

My Munsingen

Jürg Ramseier's Münsingen. An old village on the way from Bern to Thun, a community in the wider agglomeration, a piece of Switzerland in the early 21st century.

Jürg Ramseier's view of his community is loving and neighborly in a way that reveals how much what he saw and photographed on his tours is part of his life. Suddenly it doesn't matter whether what he is photographing is simply ordinary, or honest and ugly, or, conversely, cheerful and playful and sometimes dreamy. Other things count here, it's home country. (from: Measurement of the homeland; book text by Bernhard Giger).

Jürg Ramseier

Jürg Ramseier was born in Rubigen (1954) and grew up and attended secondary school in Münsingen from the 5th grade. After school for social work, he worked in the drug counseling center Contact in Bern and finally moved to New York in 1985, where he completed the one-year course at the International Center of Photography (ICP). Back in Switzerland, he settled with his family in Münsingen and began working as a freelance photographer in the fall of 1986. In the summer of 2017, the Kornhausforum Bern showed the exhibition "Under my skin" - a retrospective of Jürg Ramseier's work from the last thirty years.

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