• driven somalia
  • Photo Arena 2019

    Dominic Nahr, Drought Somalia

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    Hourly xx.10 xx.30 xx.50

Drought Somalia

Somalia, drought in the Horn of Africa. A severe drought hit the Horn of Africa in early 2017. The United Nations has warned that half of Somalia's population, around 6,2 million people, will be affected by the drought. During the last famine in 2011, over 250 people died.

Dominic Nahr

Dominic Nahr was born in Appenzell in 1983, grew up in Hong Kong and moved to Nairobi in 2009. In addition to numerous covers in Time magazine, his pictures have been published by National Geographic, The New Yorker, Stern, Spiegel, Schweizer Illustrierte and NZZ.
In 2017 he moved back to Switzerland, where today, in addition to his international work, he also publishes a weekly audio-photo essay for Republik Magazin. Nahr has won a World Press Photo and a Swiss Press Photo Award. In 2015 he was named Photographer of the Year by the Swiss Photo Academy. He is a Leica Ambassador and a founding member of the MAPS agency.

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