• photo münsingen - photo exhibition - competition for photo clubs

Photo exhibition 2020

61 photo clubs

Competition for photo clubs

theme «Ur­ban»




Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 19.00

Competition for photo clubs

theme «Ur­ban»

«Ur­ban» is the theme of the big "competition for photo clubs" for the coveted «Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award 2020».

The photo clubs can let their creativity run free when implementing the topic. Up to five photographers work in a team to present a maximum of 5 images on a tableau.

A professional jury evaluates the submitted work. The winners of the competition will be announced at the vernissage on May 20, 2020.

Exhibition catalog

A catalog with a ranking is available for the photo exhibition on the topic of “Urban”. Each work of the participating photo clubs is listed there. The catalog documents the competition for the «Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Award 2020». At the information desk of the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen the catalog is available for CHF 12.-.

The participating photo clubs at Photo Münsingen 2020

The following photo clubs take part in the “Photo Club Competition” «Ur­ban» part:

AAR­SO Fo­to­club Zofingen
Ama­teur Fo­to­club Dietikon
Bobst Photoclub
CAPM Club d Ac­ti­vi­tés Pho­to de Meyrin
CCBB Ca­me­ra Club Brown Bo­veri Baden
EFF­VAS Ei­sen­bah­ner Fo­to­klub Bern
Ei­sen­bah­ner Fo­to­club Ol­ten EFFVCO
Foto Club Basel
Fo­to­ama­teu­re Ten­in­gen e.V. (DE)
Fo­to­club "Die Ca­me­ra" Do­nau­eschin­gen (DE)
Foto-Club Ap­pen­zel­ler­land
Fo­to­club Birrfeld
Fo­to­club Blen­de 79
Fo­to­club Blen­de 8 Bern
Fo­to­club Ebikon
Fo­to­club Frauenfeld
Fo­to­club gegenLICHT
Fo­to­club Hasle-Rüegsau
Fo­to­club Huttwil
Fo­to­club Münsingen
Fo­to­club Rapperswil-Jona
Fo­to­club Schwyz
Fo­to­club Spek­tral (LI)
Fo­to­club St. Gallen
fo­to­club stutt­gart 1938 e.V. (DE)
Fo­to­club Tele Frei­sen (DE)
Fo­to­club Thun
Fo­to­club Zürisee
Fo­to­freun­de Frei­burg (DE)
Fo­to­freun­de Oberaargau
Fo­to­freun­de Schopf­heim (DE)
Fo­to­grup­pe Sek­ti­on Bern SAC
Foto-Klub Belp
Fo­to­klub Biel
Fo­to­klub Dübendorf
Fo­to­klub Lyss
Fo­to­klub Reinach
Fo­to­klub Sense
Fo­to­klub Solothurn
Fo­to­kreis Lör­rach e.V. (DE)
Fo­to­team Im Visier
Fo­to­team Luzern
Fo­to­treff Grenz­fall Kreuzlingen/Konstanz
Fo­to­ver­ein Sempach
Fo­to­werk Basel
Glar­ner Fotoclub
Pho­to Club de la Gruyère
Pho­to Club Fribourg
Pho­to Club Gland
Pho­to­club Lausanne
Pho­to In­ter­na­tio­nal Club Zurich
Pho­to­gra­phi­sche Ge­sell­schaft Bern
Pho­to­gra­phi­sche Ge­sell­schaft Winterthur
Pho­to­klub Hinterthurgau
pho­to-team 66 münchenstein
So­cié­té Ge­ne­voi­se de Photographie

Main sponsors

photo video zumstein


Resident community of Münsingen
photo club muensingen
swisslos cultural funding for the canton of Bern