Photo exhibition 2022

Fo­to­club Münsingen
transparency and home


Blu­men­haus Garden

transparency and home

As part of the club's annual competition, the Münsingen Photo Club worked on the themes of "transparency" and "home". The resulting pictures are presented in the flower house garden.

Fo­to­club Münsingen

The Fo­to­club Mün­sin­gen was founded in 1983 by a group of photo enthusiasts and has developed into one of the most committed photo clubs in Switzerland in recent years.

The club aims to promote the knowledge and skills of the more than 60 members. This happens through a lively exchange of information and experience at monthly meetings, through the development and assessment of photo themes, through participation in club competitions, through active photography on excursions and through visits to photo exhibitions. In addition, the members continue to educate themselves in special areas of photography and deepen their knowledge of cameras and accessories.

The annual highlight of the photo club is the organization and implementation of the «Pho­to Mün­sin­gen» - the creative forum of photography.

Main sponsors

logo bookfactory
logo photo video zumstein


logo münsingen
logo fotoclub münsingen
logo swisslos