Photo exhibition 2022

Harry Lieber (DE)
Fine Art Ar­chi­tek­tur Fotografie


Schloss­stras­se 5

Guided tour

Due to COVID-19 there are no tours

Fine Art Ar­chi­tek­tur Fotografie

The fine art photographs in his series "ARCHITECTURE AND HUMAN" take people into the architecture they create. People and architecture enter into a relationship. However, the usual roles are reversed.

Outstanding portraits appreciate and emphasize the character of the portrayed person. This requires a lot of empathy, skill and experience on the part of the portraitist. Especially when it comes to portraying actually lifeless stairs with the means of photography. The works of art in the “STAIRS PORTRAITS” series therefore express a great deal of individuality in addition to aesthetics.

Harry Lieber (DE)

"A mysterious magic" - This is what the Badische Zeitung wrote in November 2021 about Harry Lieber. He is a fine art photographer, lives and works in the border triangle Germany-Switzerland-France near Lörrach.

For more than ten years he has devoted himself to fine art architecture photography. As a lover of clear design and with a sense for detail, he is particularly attracted to modern architecture. His photography trips take him to Barcelona, ​​Basel, Berlin, London, Milan and Paris, among other places.

Harry Lieber expressly refrains from digital image montage, and nothing is changed or staged when taking photographs on site. Harry Lieber was born in 1963. His works of art are often described as enigmatic because they repeatedly encourage the viewer to unravel.

Harry Lieber's works of art have attracted a great deal of attention at international art exhibitions and art fairs in Amsterdam, Basel, Berlin and Innsbruck, among other places. His distinctive and high quality work has enchanted art collectors in many countries.

Main sponsors

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logo photo video zumstein


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logo fotoclub münsingen
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