• photo exhibition thomas kern

Photo exhibition 2022

Thomas Kern
Je te re­gar­de et tu dis


Schloss Attic

Guided tour

Due to COVID-19 there are no tours

Je te re­gar­de et tu dis

The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen shows with "je te regarde et tu dis" an exhibition by the photographer Thomas Kern, the winner of the 12th edition of the photographic investigation, which was advertised by the cultural office of the canton of Fribourg. The project of the Aargau photographer, two-time winner of the World Press Awards, was to meet the residents of the canton. Spread over more than a year, around 60 black and white portraits were created. The portraits exude a serenity that encourages reflection on human encounters and the feeling of a shared moment.

Thomas Kern's pictures are preserved fragments of encounters. They represent a unique moment, that of mutual recognition between the artist and the person being photographed. The presence of a body in the room, the silent gaze, the slow approach of the analog camera create the intensity that the artist is looking for. The moment when the captured image reflects a horizontal exchange. Although the artist traveled through the canton to meet the Freiburg population, his works defy the formation of identity references between geography and the inhabitants. Thomas Kern's portraits act like a mirror, creating a universal image of the person in the intimacy of the encounter.

Thomas Kern

thomas kern portrait

is a documentary photographer and artist living in Switzerland.

Thomas Kern was born in Switzerland in 1965. He completed his training as a photographer in Zurich and began working as a photo journalist in 1989. In 1990 he co-founded the Swiss photo agency Lookat Photos. A central theme of his work is the effects of wars and conflicts on daily life, for example in Northern Ireland, Kurdistan, the former Yugoslavia and Haiti. Thomas Kern has received the World Press Award twice and has received several Swiss national grants. His work has been exhibited many times and is represented in various collections.

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logo fotoclub münsingen
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