• photo exhibition photo arena regula daellenbach

Photo Arena 2023

Regula Dallenbach
mother’s litt­le helper




Hourly xx.04 xx.24 xx.44

mother's little helper

The photographs – the title of the series is inspired by the Rolling Stones song of the same name – show glowing red objects on a black background, which make everyday life easier for a mother with its diverse tasks, challenges and needs from early in the morning until late at night. "And it helps her on her way, gets her through her busy day" (Rolling Stones).

Regula Dallenbach

regula dällenbach portrait

Photo: Karin Fluder

A little over 20 years ago I rediscovered my youthful passion, photography. I'm interested in pictures and photographic projects that aren't found a thousand times over in today's flood of images. My photographs are dedicated to people, people in their living environments, everyday things as well as the exploration and documentation of oppressive places and lost places.


Main sponsors

photo video zumstein


Resident community of Münsingen
fotoclub münsingen
swisslos cultural funding for the canton of Bern