• Andreas Herrmann photo exhibition

Photo Arena 2024

Andreas Herrmann




Hourly xx.18 xx.38 xx.58


It takes a little patience to set up the small scenes, set the lighting correctly and record and develop everything cleanly. It's an ideal activity for rainy days and time flies. The aim of this "Miniatures" series is to see everyday objects in a different light, thereby making the viewer think and, above all, smile.

Andreas Herrmann

portrait andreas herrmann

Andreas Herrmann lives in French-speaking Switzerland and has been taking photographs for over 35 years. Before switching to digital photography, he worked with analogue photography (black and white and slides). His photographic focus is on nature photography (landscapes, animals & plants, especially birds), architecture and, more recently, object photography. In 2017/2018 he realized a “Projet 500” (one photo per day for 500 days), from which the first photos in the series on display were taken.


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