Keyword archive for: Judging

Club competition: The tableaus are judged

This year's club competition was judged on Sunday, April 7th. 53 photo clubs submitted tableaus on the subject of “A Short Story”.

This year, Gabriele Ortner-Rosshoff (Einigen), Roland Steffen (Ormalingen) and Martin Zurmühle (Lucerne) judged the work as jurors. Using a jury grid, they rated the areas of “subject / effect”, “composition” and “technology” with a 20-point system.

Specifically, the judging took place as follows: In a first quick review, all 53 panels were examined to assess the overall level of the work. Then a second, calm review followed. Each juror now gave a score independently for each tableau. This resulted in a ranking list.

Now the jury discussed the first tableaus and determines a definitive ranking of the best six works. For these, she finally records short comments.

The winners will be announced at the opening of Photo Münsingen. All tableaux can then be seen over the Ascension weekend from May 30th to June 2nd at Schlossgut Münsingen.

Photo club competition judged

62 tableaus with a maximum of five images – that is how many works the jurors Lorenz Andreas Fischer, Susanna Brändli and Beat Mumenthaler (on the image from left to right) had to judge. Now the winning tableau of the photo club competition has been determined. The winners of the coveted "Photo Münsingen Award 2018" will be announced at the vernissage on May 9th. All 62 works on the subject of "Move" will then be exhibited in the Schlossgutsaal during Photo Münsingen.

More information about the competition ...

The series for the Photo Arena have been selected

37 photo series from around 20 photographers were received for the Photo Arena 2018. A five-person jury selected ten series from these.

In a first round, the jury rated each series individually. Based on the points added up and taking into account that each photographer is only allowed to present one series, she then selected the exhibitors in a second round.

The jurors were (from left to right in the picture) Chris Richner, Elisabeth Aemmer, Rudolf Mäusli, Daniel Brändli and Tobias Kühn. Daniel Wälti took care of the technical preparation and processing.

The selected photo series will be presented as part of Photo Münsingen 2018 in the Photo Arena from May 10th to 13th.

Photo Münsingen Award 2017 – judging

"A place to stay" is the theme of the big photo club competition for the coveted "Photo Münsingen Award 2017".
The photo clubs were able to give free rein to their creativity in the topic and the corresponding implementation. In a team work, the so-called tableau, up to five photographers present a maximum of 5 pictures (i.e. 1 picture / photographer).

On April 22, 2017, all tableaus of the 57 participating photo clubs judged by an expert jury. The jurors team with Alice Lautenschlager, Christian Koradi and Anton Riedo took a lot of time to evaluate the works according to the criteria of topic / effect, composition and technique and to formulate a small comment per tableau.

The jury mentioned the pleasingly wide range of topics and the high technical quality of the images. Challenging was the assessment of those tableaux in which individual images fell somewhat short in relation to the overall quality of the entire work. The photo clubs will receive a more detailed jury comment and individual information at the vernissage on May 24, 2017. The winner of the Photo Münsingen Award 2017 and the results of the other photo clubs will also be announced.

Rudolf Mäusli, Head of Exhibitions

Photo Muensingen in the media

Find out more about the 17th Photo Münsingen from current media reports:, May 6, 2016: Photo Münsingen 2016: A tour through the exhibitions
Radio neo1, May 6, 2016: Photo Münsingen provides insights into training companies
Berner Zeitung, May 6, 2016: Grade 1 is taboo, May 5, 2016: Photo Münsingen Award 2016: These are the winners
The federal government, May 4, 2016: Photo Münsingen 2016, everyday life as a sensation
BERN-OST News, May 4, 2016: Photo Münsingen: Of clouds, bears and energy
Bernese Landbote, April 19, 2016: The drone enriches the art of photography

The 10 series for the Photo Arena 2016 have been selected

judging_photo_arena_1The jury selected ten series for presentation in the Photo Arena 2016 selected. In a first round, the series were reduced by around half by a yes/no decision. The jury then graded each work individually in a second round. After taking into account that each photographer is only allowed to exhibit one series and after deciding for 10th place, the final result was clear after three hours. Only now was the jury informed of the names of the winners.

We would like to thank everyone who participated and congratulate those who participated in the Photo Arena 2016 may exhibit.

The members of the jury were: Elisabeth Aemmer and Peter Jaberg from Foto-Klub Belp; Joachim Schaefer, Rudolf Mäusli and Manfred Schär from the Münsingen Photo Club; technical support was provided by Daniel Wälti.


Keyword archive for: Judging