Keyword archive for: U25 Photo Challenge

The winners of the photo book competition and the U25 Photo Challenge

“Into the great wide open” is the name of the most beautiful photo book in Switzerland. It was done as part of the photo book competition chosen by Bookfactory and Photo Münsingen and comes from Matthias Notter. The price of the U25 Photo Challenge 2024 goes to Micha Bigler.

For the second time, Photo Münsingen, together with the main sponsor Bookfactory, looked for the best, most original or most unusual photo books in Switzerland. After a pre-selection, the jury – consisting of Brigitte Aeberhard-Baur, Sonja Berger and Beat Feller – evaluated the ten best creations.

Matthias Notter won first prize with his photo book “Into the great wide open”. The jury was impressed by its content concept, impressive implementation and very good images. Thanks to originally used AI and good texts with a quiet sense of humor, a travel report becomes a photo book that you not only enjoy looking at, but also read.

Second and third places go to Nadia Knechtle with the book “Stadtmomente” and Manuel C. Studer with “Rayim-Bek”.

The U25 Photo Challenge also went into the second round. Once again, photographers aged 25 or younger were able to demonstrate their passion for photography. This year the theme is “Music”.

Micha Bigler, Amira Kopp and Lukas Affolter are on the podium here. The 28 submitted images were judged by Jan Schmidt, Florian Biedermann and Yves Leneveu. They evaluated image design, quality, creativity and the connection to the topic of “music”.

The most beautiful photo books and the pictures from the U25 Photo Challenge are on display at Photo Münsingen until Sunday, May 12th.

Photo Book Competition and U25 Photo Challenge: Join now!

The Pho­to Mün­sin­gen is launching two new competitions for this year's edition: together with Bookfactory, we are looking for the best photo books in Switzerland. Together with BERN-OST let's start the «U25 Pho­to Chall­enge». Now it's time to participate and win!

The “U25 Photo Challenge” is aimed at teenagers and young adults born in 1998 or later. The theme of the competition is «Water». What is needed are photos in which water plays a role. Whether landscape shots, studio shots or abstract images - creativity, imagination and good implementation are the focus. It doesn't matter whether the picture is taken with a smartphone or a digital camera, or developed in analogue form and then scanned.

Participation is uncomplicated and takes place via BERN-OST via the following link:

To the “U25 Photo Challenge”…

The submission deadline is March 31, 2023. After that, the submitted images will be judged and exhibited at Photo Münsingen.

You can win vouchers from the Ni­kon Foto School worth CHF 750 for first place, CHF 500 for second place and CHF 250 for fourth place. The third place winner wins 300 francs in cash, sponsored by BERN-OST. The fifth prize is a voucher from Bookfactory worth 200 francs.

The most beautiful photo book in Switzerland

In a second competition, we are dedicating ourselves to the photo book category. Together with the main sponsor Bookfactory, the best, most original or most unusual photo books in Switzerland are sought.

You have until April 23, 2023 to submit your most beautiful Bookfactory photo book using the link below. Convince the jury with your snapshots, the best shots or artfully arranged pictures. Be creative and try something new!

The content, design and overall impression of the photo book are evaluated. The topic is freely selectable. The main prize is a new Fuji camera X‑T5 with lens! The best books are also presented at the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen be visible.

To the photo book competition…

Keyword archive for: U25 Photo Challenge