• Aus­stel­lung 2016

    The va­nis­hing Bei­jing hut­ong (al­leys)

  • Aus­stel­ler

    Mr. Jia Yong (CN)

  • Ort


  • Füh­run­gen

    Don­ners­tag und Sonn­tag, 12.30 Uhr

The va­nis­hing Bei­jing hut­ong (al­leys)


In 1984 Mr. Jia Yong star­ted pho­to­gra­phing the life in a Hut­ong in Bei­jing. So far he has or­ga­ni­zed the 5th pho­to com­pe­ti­ti­on “Char­ming Da­shan­lan” cap­tu­ring the ch­an­ge in a Hut­ong sin­ce 2010.

He also or­ga­ni­zed the 6th “Love Bei­jing In­ter­na­tio­nal Pho­to ex­hi­bi­ti­on” so far.

2015 his solo ex­hi­bi­ti­on “Bei­jing Hut­ong” was shown at the Bei­jing In­ter­na­tio­nal Pho­to­gra­phy Week in the Long Shadow Gallery.

Mr. Jia Yong (CN)

mr. jia yong - portrait autor_300Jia Yong, born in June 1963 in Bei­jing, loves fine arts, sports and pho­to­gra­phy ever sin­ce his child­hood. He joi­n­ed the weight­lif­ting team un­der the Bei­jing Mu­ni­ci­pal Sports-work Bri­ga­de in 1979, and re­ti­red in 1984. Then, he mo­ved to Bei­jing Cloi­son­né Fac­to­ry of the Bei­jing Arts and Crafts Cor­po­ra­ti­on. In 1987, he star­ted his pri­va­te busi­ness of 11 pho­to­gra­phy studio.

贾勇,1963年6月生于北京,自幼喜欢美术、体育、摄影。1979年调入北京市体育工作大 队举重队,1984年退役,调入北京市工艺美术品总公司北京景泰蓝厂,1987年下海自办经营影楼图片社11家。
