Fotoausstellung 2020
Olivier Morin (FR)
Arctic Surfers
Samstag, 23. Mai 2020, 13.30 Uhr
In französischer Sprache
Arctic Surfers
Le surf n’est pas une affaire de température , mais de vagues et de passion . Lorsqu’on a pas eu la chance de naître à Hawaii en Australie ou bien dans le sud-ouest de l’Europe, on peut quand même exercer sa passion où l’on se trouve, pourvu qu’il y ai des vagues. Au nord du cercle polaire , sur les iles Lofoten , au nord de la Norvège, le swell (la houle) est présent toute l’année, et de qualité Hawaiienne mais dans une température de l’eau de +3C l’hiver à +10C l’hiver, et une température de l’air de ‑10C l’hiver à +15C l’été. On y surfe toute l’année et on aime ça.
Olivier Morin (FR)
Olivier Morin has been a staff photographer for Agence France-Presse for the past 27 years.
Born in France in 1965, Olivier has been based in Bordeaux, Lille, Paris where he shot mainly international sports, Eastern France Photo chief based in Strasbourg, before becoming Chief Photographer for the Nordic Countries in Stockholm and spending Six years in AFP Milan, Italy. For the past year, he is Editor in Chief Photo France in Paris.
Olivier is covering a variety of daily news events including economy, fashion and sports, his specialty, with outdoor-water features. He has been shooting 10 Olympic Games, both Summer and Winter, and covers soccer (Football), rugby, Athletics Worlds Championships, and Alpine skiing World cups and World Championships on a regular basis.
Olivier was awarded first prize in the 2000 Fuji photo contest for an archery picture from the Sydney Olympics, 2nd prize and 3rd prize in Sportfolio in 2013 and 2015, and won Italy’s sports picture of the year in 2013 for once in a lifetime shot of Usain Bolt under lightning bolt during the 100m final at the World Championships in Moscow, and Sports Illustrated photo of the year with this photograph also , among others awards.