Fo­to­aus­stel­lung 2020

Oli­vi­er Mo­r­in (FR)

Arc­tic Surfers




Sams­tag, 23. Mai 2020, 13.30 Uhr

In fran­zö­si­scher Sprache

Arc­tic Surfers

Le surf n’est pas une af­fai­re de tempé­ra­tu­re , mais de va­gues et de pas­si­on . Lorsqu’on a pas eu la chan­ce de naît­re à Ha­waii en Aus­tra­lie ou bien dans le sud-ouest de l’Europe, on peut quand même exer­cer sa pas­si­on où l’on se trouve, pour­vu qu’il y ai des va­gues. Au nord du cer­cle po­lai­re , sur les iles Lo­fo­ten , au nord de la Nor­vè­ge, le swell (la houle) est pré­sent tou­te l’année, et de qua­li­té Ha­wai­i­en­ne mais dans une tempé­ra­tu­re de l’eau de +3C l’hiver à +10C l’hiver, et une tempé­ra­tu­re de l’air de ‑10C l’hiver à +15C l’été. On y sur­fe tou­te l’année et on aime ça.

Oli­vi­er Mo­r­in (FR)

Oli­vi­er Mo­r­in has been a staff pho­to­grapher for Agence France-Pres­se for the past 27 years.

Born in France in 1965, Oli­vi­er has been ba­sed in Bor­deaux, Lil­le, Pa­ris whe­re he shot main­ly in­ter­na­tio­nal sports, Eas­tern France Pho­to chief ba­sed in Stras­bourg, be­fo­re be­co­ming Chief Pho­to­grapher for the Nor­dic Count­ries in Stock­holm and spen­ding Six ye­ars in AFP Mi­lan, Ita­ly. For the past year, he is Edi­tor in Chief Pho­to France in Paris.

Oli­vi­er is co­ve­ring a va­rie­ty of dai­ly news events in­clu­ding eco­no­my, fa­shion and sports, his spe­cial­ty, with out­door-wa­ter fea­tures. He has been shoo­ting 10 Olym­pic Games, both Sum­mer and Win­ter, and co­vers soc­cer (Foot­ball), rug­by, Ath­le­tics Worlds Cham­pi­on­ships, and Al­pi­ne ski­ing World cups and World Cham­pi­on­ships on a re­gu­lar basis.

Oli­vi­er was award­ed first pri­ze in the 2000 Fuji pho­to con­test for an ar­chery pic­tu­re from the Syd­ney Olym­pics, 2nd pri­ze and 3rd pri­ze in Sport­fo­lio in 2013 and 2015, and won Italy’s sports pic­tu­re of the year in 2013 for once in a life­time shot of Usain Bolt un­der light­ning bolt du­ring the 100m fi­nal at the World Cham­pi­on­ships in Mo­scow, and Sports Il­lus­tra­ted pho­to of the year with this pho­to­graph also , among others awards.


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