Fo­to­aus­stel­lung 2021

Ele­na Mar­ty­ny­uk (RU)





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In this ex­hi­bi­ti­on I will show th­ree the­mes: Ele­phants, Fat Girl and Fantasies.

The­me «Ele­phants».
When I was working for the cir­cus, I be­ca­me fri­end with a fa­mous fa­mi­ly of ele­phant trai­ners De­men­tiev-Cor­ni­lov and I was lu­cky en­ough to do a pho­to shoo­ting with their won­derful ele­phants. The trai­ner An­d­rei Kor­ni­lov has a young daugh­ter at the age of 1,5 year. She wasn't afraid of ele­phants and An­d­rei hel­ped me take a pho­to whe­re his litt­le daugh­ter sits in a hug with a big ele­phant. No one be­lie­ves it's not a pho­to made in Pho­to­shop. But it's re­al­ly a real shoot.
I had four ele­phants to work with and come up with se­ve­ral sto­ries. In this ex­hi­bi­ti­on I want to show some of the most suc­cessful pho­tos. Working with ele­phants as pho­to mo­dels is very difficult.

The­me «Fat Girl».
I have a fa­vo­ri­te pho­to mo­del – a beau­tiful girl Vic­to­ria, who li­ves in Odes­sa in the Ukrai­ne. When I come to Odes­sa in sum­mer, I al­ways try to take new pho­tos with Vic­to­ria. She has a gre­at sen­se of hu­mor and so best of all we get fun­ny stories.

The­me «Fan­ta­sies».

Fa­bu­lous cha­rac­ters are an­o­ther fa­vo­ri­te the­me of mine. Sa­ti­res, nymphs, mer­maids, li­ving trees and bran­ches ari­se in my fan­ta­sies af­ter re­a­ding the works of Shake­speare, Go­gol, Bulgakov…

Ele­na Mar­ty­ny­uk (RU)

Ho­no­red pho­to-ar­tist of the In­ter­na­tio­nal Pho­to Art Federation
Mem­ber of the Eu­ro­pean Uni­on of Pro­fes­sio­nal Photoartists
Win­ner and par­ti­ci­pant of many in­ter­na­tio­nal exhibitions

She was born in the Ukrai­ne. She gra­dua­ted from the Art and Gra­phic Fa­cul­ty of the uni­ver­si­ty in Odes­sa. Sin­ce 2002 she has li­ved and work­ed in Mo­scow as a pro­fes­sio­nal photo-artist.

Ele­na has been into pho­to­gra­phy sin­ce child­hood. Ar­tis­tic pho­to­gra­phy – sin­ce 1989. First gold me­dal – 1990 (Lon­don-Sa­lon Ex­hi­bi­ti­on – Lon­don, U.K.)

Up to this date, Ele­na is hol­ding over 170 gold, sil­ver and bron­ze awards ear­ned at the lar­gest in­ter­na­tio­nal ex­hi­bi­ti­ons held in the U.K., France, Ita­ly, Spain, Aus­tria, Ger­ma­ny, Scot­land, Ko­rea, Bel­gi­um ets.

Ele­na Mar­ty­ny­uk is the first pho­to-ar­tist and the only wo­man so far from Eas­tern Eu­ro­pe to win the Has­sel­blad In­ter­na­tio­nal Su­per Cir­cuit (Aus­tria, 2000).

Ac­cor­ding to the «Pho­to­gra­phy & Ima­ging Ye­ar­book 2002», Lon­don, Ele­na Mar­ty­ny­uk was one of the top‑5 pho­to-ar­tists in the world in the the­me fan­ta­sy «Dreamt­i­me».

May 2006 – Pho­to­ar­tists Guild of Rus­sia award­ed Ele­na the title of Aca­de­mici­an and the pri­ze Gol­den Eye of Rus­sia for the uni­que style.

Elena's coll­ec­tion has more than 3000 pho­tos. In 2008 a pho­to al­bum book "The Mir­ror" was pu­blished with Elena's photos.

Her pho­to­graphs are ex­hi­bi­ted in po­pu­lar pho­to mu­se­ums and purcha­sed for pri­va­te collections.


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