• Exhibition 2017

    Thomas Vanoost (BE), Visions du chaos au quotidien

  • Place


  • Guided tour

    Thursday and Sunday at 13.30 p.m.

Visions du chaos au quotidien

NÈ en 1982, Thomas Vanoost est un photographe belge vivant et travaillant à Bruxelles. I have received a diploma in photography in 2002, all in poursuivant par all the studies in philosophy and sociology. Between 2002 and 2016, in Jamaica it was necessary to realize the personal photographic projects. En 2016, après avoir travaillé pendant 10 ans dans le sector financier, il a douloureusement pris conscience du chaos dans lequel nous vivons, et a décidé de le traduire en un nouveau projet photographique : 'visions du chaos au quotidien'. Largement influencé par son parcours en philosophie, son travail entend interroger notre rapport à la réalité.

Visions of daily chaos

Born in 1982, Thomas Vanoost is a Belgian photographer living and working in Brussels. In 2002, he graduated in photography from a local fine art school, while also studying philosophy and sociology. Between 2002 and 2016, he never stopped working on personal photography projects and pursued a career in the investment industry at the same time. In 2016, he decided to devote himself to photography after he became painfully conscious of the chaotic world we live in. The results are this series 'visions of daily chaos'. Heavily influenced by his background in philosophy, his work tries to question our relationship to reality.

Thomas Vanost (BE)