Photo Book Contest
Bookfactory selects the ten most extraordinary books from all submissions and judges them by a jury (determined by Photo Münsingen). The content, images, composition, design and overall impression of the photo book are evaluated.
1st rank | Voucher worth CHF 500 donated by Photo video Zumstein and voucher worth CHF 100 from bookfactory |
2st rank | Voucher worth CHF 400 donated by Nikon School and voucher worth CHF 100 from bookfactory |
3st rank | Voucher worth CHF 300 donated by Photo video Zumstein and voucher worth CHF 100 from bookfactory |
4st rank | Voucher worth CHF 200 donated by Photo video Zumstein and voucher worth CHF 100 from bookfactory |
5st rank | Voucher worth CHF 100 donated by Nikon School and voucher worth CHF 100 from bookfactory |
6th to 10th rank | Voucher worth CHF 100 from bookfactory |
Ranking announcement & award ceremony
The ranking announcement and award ceremony will take place on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 14.00 p.m. in the Schlossgutsaal.
Rank 1: Matthias Notter – Into the great wide open
Rank 2: Nadia Knechtle – City Moments
3rd place: Manuel C. Studer – Rayim-Bek
Rank 4: Thomas von Meyenburg – black and white
Rank 5: Ralf Turtschi – What was and what is
Rank 6: Yann Krieger – Via Fera Transhelvetica
TopTen: Brigitte Andrey – Basel Fasnacht
TopTen: Mark Balsiger – Further and further east
TopTen: Jorge Dändliker – Rhine Cycle Path
TopTen: Marianne Theis – Jungholzwald Uster
Conditions of Participation
All adults residing in Switzerland are eligible to participate. Participation is only possible via the corresponding bookfactory website. Books can be created in the online software or submitted as PDF-to-Book. The detailed conditions of participation will be published on the participation website.
All documents for participation are available on the following bookfactory website.
During the Photo Münsingen The selected books are on display at the bookfactory stand.