• 07 pole dancer

Photo workshop 2023


pole dancer

workshop leader

Felix Peter


In German language



Workshop no. 07
title pole dancer
Location Photo studio Normannenstrasse 14, UG, 3018 Bern Bümpliz
date / time Thursday 18 May 2023 13.30 – 17.30 p.m
description This photo course takes place in a large studio with a ceiling height of 4m.

On the installed pole, the pole dancers show us their best "tricks"; Felix Peter explains which lighting is best for capturing the acrobat photographically. We take photos with studio flash technology and also with LED continuous light.

equipment participants SLR or mirrorless camera with lens 70-200mm or 50mm or 85mm.
workshop leader Felix Peter www.FotoGigant.ch
meeting point 13.30pm Normannenstrasse 14, studio in the basement
parking spaces Public parking in the district, blue zone
requirements Knowledge of your own camera
Registration from April 11, 2023, 20.00
Price Fr. 220.00
Maximum number of participants 8