• photo exhibition photosuisse

Photo exhibition 2024



Kul­tur Traube

PHO­TO­SU­IS­SE - Short and sweet

PHOTOSUISSE is the umbrella organization for people interested in photography from all over Switzerland. There are currently 40 photography clubs and around 130 people as individual members. All members are registered with newsletters and via the homepage www.photosuisse.net informed about the activities of the PHOTOSUISSE association. The photos and articles published by the members encourage creative photography. It also informs members extensively about the cultural activities of the Swiss photo scene.

PHOTOSUISSE organizes annual competitions at national level, in color and black and white. Successful participation in the competition is a well-deserved reward for committed photographers. Every member of PHOTOSUISSE receives a photo book with all the best, award-winning and accepted images.

The award-winning and best works from the national competition are presented to the public in an impressive picture show at the annual Photo Münsingen.

Since 2006, the Derek Slattery Nature Trophy competition has also taken place every two years. The initiator and donor of the hiking prize is our late honorary member Derek Slattery.

Members of PHOTOSUISSE are automatically members of the international association FIAP (Fédération Internationale de l’art photographique), to which 90 countries are affiliated. The exchange of ideas about photography with interested people from all regions of Switzerland, but also from other countries and cultures, revives friendships and overcomes borders.

With their contribution, the members of PHOTOSUISSE support the promotion of photography in Switzerland.

Award ceremony PHOTOSUISSE

As part of Photo Münsingen will take place on Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 11.00 a.m

Danger: CAN'T at 14 p.m., as erroneously stated in the printed “Photo Münsingen brochure”.

the PHOTOSUISSE award ceremony took place. At the Münsinger Kultur Traube, PHOTOSUISSE will honor the best photographers and the best clubs in the 2023 competition. In addition, participants in several competitions will be honored.

Main sponsors

logo bookfactory
logo photo video zumstein


logo münsingen
logo fotoclub münsingen
logo fotointern.ch
logo swisslos