Photo exhibition 2024
Karl Schuler
In the kingdom of the snow leopards
Alterszentrum Schlossgut
Duration of the exhibition
Start: Monday, April 15, 2024
End: Sunday June 16, 2024
Guided tour
Thursday, May 9, 2024, 14.00 (followed by lecture)
Sunday, May 12, 2024, 14.30 (followed by lecture)
In German language
In the kingdom of the snow leopards
Karl Schuler lived for fifteen years in countries where the rare and very shy snow leopard is native. On his hikes in the remote mountains of Asia, he often followed the trail of the “Spirit of the Himalayas” without ever seeing it, until he managed to do so in the Annapurna region in the winter of 2019 and in the Indian Himalayas the following winter, with the help of the local population to track down several snow leopards and to observe and photograph them in their natural environment.
The photos show the social behavior of these rare and well-camouflaged cats. But other predators from these areas can also be seen, as can their prey. Interspersed in between are photos from the homes of the people who share their living space with the snow leopards and where Karl Schuler was a guest
Karl Schuler
Karl Schuler is a qualified forestry engineer. Until his retirement, he worked for Swiss development cooperation in various countries in Africa, South America, the Caribbean and Asia. He has advocated for the protection and sustainable use of natural resources such as forests, land, pastures and water by the local population.
In addition to his work, he was intensively involved in photography. He is particularly interested in topics such as people in their element, traditional cultures, wild landscapes and special animals.