• Photo exhibition Markus Eichenberger

Photo exhibition 2024

Markus Eichenberger
Amazing moments

Digital presentation on a screen


Ge­wöl­be­kel­ler Joss

Guided tour


Amazing moments

Since 2011, Markus Eichenberger has spent several months every year in the Swiss Alps to capture the beauty of the mountains day and night. The short film series “Amazing Moments” is a summary of 12 years of time-lapse work around the Aletsch Jungfrau region, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

A time-lapse film consists of 24 frames per second and is used to show slow changes more quickly. But what makes a film special is the background music, which brings out the mood even more. Visit the exhibition and be inspired by the atmosphere of the Swiss Alps.

Markus Eichenberger

Portrait Markus Eichenberger

Markus is an award-winning Swiss photographer and filmmaker who has a passion for travel. He is particularly interested in capturing the beauty of our planet in pictures. In the last 20 years, Markus has traveled to more than 80 countries. Among other things, he spent 3 years in Beijing, where he created a photo documentation of all 31 stadiums of the 2008 Olympic Games on behalf of the photo agency GettyImages. The images were published in Sports Illustrated magazine and distributed through GettyImages.

Since 2011 he has dedicated himself to the Swiss Alps, where he photographs and captures the atmosphere of the mountains on film over several months every year. The time-lapse short films “Mystic Jungfraujoch” and “Chasing Stars” have been shown at over 50 international film festivals from Auckland to Los Angeles and have won several awards for “Best Cinematography Short Film”. His work on night photography has been published several times in the magazine Schweizer Illustrierte In 2016, Markus was invited to present his work as a keynote speaker in front of 500 guests at the DigitalEvent.

Markus founded the Chasing Stars Workshops in 2016 and has so far introduced star photography to over 1 participants. He is also a tour guide for photography trips to Svalbard, Northern Norway and Spain.

Main sponsors

logo bookfactory
logo photo video zumstein


logo münsingen
logo fotoclub münsingen
logo fotointern.ch
logo swisslos