Lectures, audio vision, guided tours: An overview of all dates

On the four days of the exhibition Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Lectures, audiovisual presentations, award ceremonies and guided tours will take place in 2023. Plan your visit now! Here's our rundown of when and what's on:

Saturday, May 13, 2023

In a Best of shows the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen large-format pictures on the village square from May 13th. On Saturdays, May 13th and 20th, representatives of the Münsingen Photo Club will present their passion. On Saturday, May 13th they will be supported musically by the Steel bands «Steelmix» and «TempoMix».

Thursday May 18, 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.00 Lecture: Marco Felix, tips for travel photography parish hall
11.00 Lecture: Thomas Biasotto, Landscapes at Night Fürwehrhuus
12.00 Guided tour: Urs Wohlwned, O‑magique Castle – attic
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.00 Guided tour: Silvio Maraini, Flooded Cathedrals flower house
13.30 Guided tour: Thomas Biasotto, Landscape at night Castle Dachstock
14.00 award ceremony: Photo Book Contest / U25 Photo Challenge Schlossgutsaal
14.00 Guided tour: Michel Roggo, Wasser@bern Schlossgutplatz
14.30 Guide: Laurin Schmid, Border of Hope Schlossweg
15.00 Guided tour: Gia Chkhatarashvili, Mystical Georgia Castle Alley
15.00 Lecture: Christian Burkhardt, Bookfactory parish hall
15.30 Guided tour: Thomas Biasotto, Landscape at night Castle Dachstock
16.00 Guided tour: Marielsa Niels, Dans l'antre du soi parish hall
16.00 Guided tour: Melinda Blättler, unfiltered portraits Flower house exterior wall
16.30 Lecture: Julia Hager, Blue Planet and the Plastic Flood Fürwehrhuus
17.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall

Friday 19st May 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Lecture: Monika Christofori-Khadka, Water and Worlds Fürwehrhuus
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Guided tour: Zak van Billjon, Modernizing Nature engl./d connection path
14.00 Guided tour: Alexandra Schmid, employee of the month flower house
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, portfolio work Youth House Spycher
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, Behind the Scenes Youth House Spycher
15.00 Lecture: Melinda Blättler, 99x unique parish hall
15.30 Guided tour: Res Reinhard, eau et noir parish hall
16.00 Guide: Jean-François Delhom, Cascades Schlossstrasse
16.30 Lecture: Ralf Turtschi, designing photo books Fürwehrhuus
19.00 Multivision: Michel Roggo, From the Amazon to the Aare Fürwehrhuus

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.30 Lecture: Marco Felix, tips for travel photography Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Award ceremony PHOTOSUISSE culture grape
13.00 Guided tour: Alexandra Schmid, employee of the month flower house
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Guided tour: Marielsa Niels, Dans l'antre du soi parish hall
13.30 Guide: Julia Hager, Icy Worlds Schlossstrasse 5
14.00 Guided tour: Urs Wohlwned, O‑magique Castle Dachstock
15.00 Guide: Jean-François Delhom, Cascades Schlossstrasse
15.30 Guided tour: Res Reinhard, eau et noir parish hall
16.30 Panel: Guy Jost, professional photography graduate Fuhrerhus

Sunday May 21, 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.30 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall
11.00 Lecture: Urs Wohlwend, ICM Photography Fürwehrhuus
13.00 Guided tour: Silvio Maraini, Flooded Cathedrals flower house
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Guide: Julia Hager, Icy Worlds Schlossstrasse 5
14.00 Guided tour: Michel Roggo, wasser@bern Schlossgutplatz
14.30 Leadership: Laurin Schmid, Limit of Hope Schlossweg
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, portfolio work Youth House Spycher
15.00 Guided tour: Gia Chkhatarashvili, Mystical Georgia Castle Alley
15.30 Guided tour: Zak van Billjon, Modernizing Nature, Engl./Ger connection path
16.00 Guided tour: Melinda Blättler, unfiltered portraits Flower house exterior wall

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