Looking back on four wonderful photo days

With the theme of “Music”, Photo Münsingen attracted numerous photo enthusiasts to the Aare Valley over the Ascension Days. “The combination of photography and music was very well received by the audience,” says OK President Urs Hintermann, satisfied with this year’s edition.

“We received a lot of positive feedback on the exhibitions and events surrounding our main topic,” says Hintermann. That's what they were like Mussorgsky concert on Thursday with the photographically interpreted “Pictures at an Exhibition” or the multimedia lecture “The Art of Transformation” sold out by rock star photographer Hannes Schmid.

This year, visitors once again appreciated the exchange with the photographers or were inspired by their work. Thanks to the spring weather, the open-air exhibitions in and around the Münsinger Schlossgut area could be enjoyed to the fullest - always accompanied by melodious performances.

The organizing committee thanks the more than 100 helpers as well as sponsors, patrons and partners. Among them the main sponsors Nikon, Bookfactory and Foto Video Zumstein.

Photo Münsingen 2025 will take place from May 29th to June 1st, 2025. The Photo Club Competition takes place on the theme of “Passion”.

To the picture gallery on Flickr...
To the press reports…

Guided tours, lectures and music: an overview of all dates

On the four days of the exhibition Pho­to Mün­sin­gen In 2024 there will be numerous tours, lectures, audiovisual presentations, award ceremonies and musical performances. Plan your visit now! Here is our overview of when and what is happening.

Thursday May 09, 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Concert: Pictures at an Exhibition, Martin Klopfenstein Casino PZM
12.00 Guide: Oliver Stegmann, Circus noir Schlossstrasse 5
13.00 Guided tour: Wolf-Peter Steinheisser, Discover your Soul Castle
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Leadership: Petra Angela Imhof, Cyberized parish hall
14.00 Piano class, Aaretal Music School Castle
14.00 Guided tour/lecture: Karl Schuler, snow leopards Senior Center Schlossgut
14.00 Guide: Hannes Schmid, rock musician flower house
14.00 Photo book competition award ceremony / U25 Photo Challenge Schlossgutsaal
14.00 Opanonna Schlossgutsaal
14.30 Guided tour: Andrea Knechtle, Vestiges – The End of Something Castle Alley
14.30 Leadership: Axel Brand, Danza Castle
15.00 Guide: Graeme Oxby, The Kings of England Schlossgutplatz
15.00 Guided tour: Photo Club Münsingen, movement flower house
15.00 Lecture: Christian Burkhardt, Bookfactory Universum parish hall
15.30 Guide: Vicenc Semper, Peu de foto parish hall
16.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, taking photos is child's play Stand Nikon
16.00 Guided tour: InfraWerkeMünsingen, electricity and heat Schlossgutsaal foyer
16.00 Leadership: Nicole Rötheli, emotions – One stage Village square
16.30 Lecture: Wolf-Peter Steinheisser, Nightsessions Fürwehrhuus

Friday 10st May 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Lecture: Claudia Betschart, Bookfactory Software crash course parish hall
11.45 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall
14.00 Leadership: Gerardo Garciacano, Bodmi Flower house exterior wall
14.00 Guide: Hannes Schmid, rock musician flower house
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, sound colors Spycher youth center
15.00 Guide: Romano P. Riedo, Polaroid Work flower house
15.00 Lecture: Marco Felix, tricks for travel photography parish hall
16.00 Leadership: Manuel Giron, Unexpected Dimension Schlossstrasse 5
16.30 Lecture: Romano P. Riedo, inspiration on your doorstep Fürwehrhuus
19.00 Lecture: Hannes Schmid, The Art of Transformation Fürwehrhuus

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.00 Lecture: Ralf Turtschi, Uganda's magic in a photo book parish hall
11.00 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
11.45 Wieslaw Pipczynski, music improvisation for photo shows Fürwehrhuus
12.00 Guided tour: Photo Club Münsingen, movement flower house
12.00 steelmusic events association parish hall
13.00 Leadership: Petra Angela Imhof, Cyberized parish hall
13.00 Guide: Vicenc Semper, Peu de foto parish hall
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Violin class, Aaretal Music School Schlossweg
13.30 Guided tour: Charles Brooks Architecture in Music Schlossweg
11.00 Award ceremony PHOTOSUISSE culture grape
14.30 Violin class, Aaretal Music School Schlossweg
14.30 Alpenrösli Yodeling Club flower house
14.30 Guide: Oliver Stegmann, Circus noir Schlossstrasse 5
15.00 Leadership: Gerardo Garciacano, Bodmi Flower house exterior wall
15.00 Guide: Graeme Oxby, The Kings of England Castle Square
15.30 Alpenrösli Yodeling Club flower house
16.00 Photo walk with Nikon Zf and Z8: Christian Reding Stand Nikon
16.00 Leadership: Manuel Giron, Unexpected Dimension Schlossstrasse 5
16.30 Lecture: Markus Eichenberger, Amazing Moments – Füürwehrhuus Fürwehrhuus

Sunday May 12, 2024

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Lecture: Oliver Stegmann, Circus noir Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Lecture: Ralf Turtschi, designing photo books parish hall
12.00 Guide: Lorenz Andreas Fischer, Eyes of Africa connection path
13.00 Photo walk with Nikon Zf and Z8: Christian Reding Stand Nikon
13.00 Guide: Romano P. Riedo, Polaroid Work flower house
13.30 Leadership: Axel Brand, Danza Castle
14.00 Guided tour: Wolf-Peter Steinheisser, Discover your Soul Castle
14.30 Guided tour/lecture: Karl Schuler, snow leopards Senior Center Schlossgut
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, sound colors Spycher youth center
15.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall
15.30 Leadership: Andrea Knechtle, Vestiges The End of Something – Schlossallee
16.00 Leadership: Nicole Rötheli, emotions – on stage Village square
16.00 Guided tour: InfraWerkeMünsingen, electricity and heat Schlossgutsaal foyer

Photo Münsingen 2024: Music in focus

The theme of “Music” is at the center of Photo Münsingen 2024: the competition for photo clubs and eleven of the 27 exhibitions are dedicated to it. You can see, among other things, rock stars, Elvis impersonators, the inner workings of musical instruments and an interpretation of the work “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky. Let's take a first look at a program full of music photography!

First there is the concert photography: the well-known Swiss photographer Hannes Schmid photographed rock stars on and off stage in the 1980s. In Münsingen he shows a selection of his photographs. They not only show well-known figures, but also capture the cultural changes and gender dynamics of this time.

“Emotions on Stage” is the name of the concert photographer’s exhibition Nicole Rötheli. She is present with the camera when musicians like Hecht, Stress or Stefanie Heinzmann perform. Grant emotional looks in blues and jazz clubs Wolf-Peter Steinheisser and Vicenç Semper.

Dance, instruments and Elvis

Axel Brand focuses on the elegance of dancers in his fine art black and white photography. Charles Brooks In “Architecture in Music” he takes a fascinating look at instruments from the inside.

Graeme Oxby documents the subculture of Elvis impersonators and their stories. Students of the CAP photography school photographed on the topic of “sound colors”.

Mussorgsky reinterpreted

Two special projects make the connection between music and photography directly tangible. Seraina Marchal was commissioned to create photos for the musical piece “Pictures at an Exhibition” by Modest Mussorgsky. Mussorgsky composed his piano cycle in 1874 to match paintings and drawings. 150 years later, Seraina Marchal took the opposite approach for Photo Münsingen and was inspired by Mussorgsky's work. Your images will be projected alongside a piano concert played live by the pianist Martin Klopfenstein and will then be exhibited.

The versatile instrumentalist does it the other way around Wieslaw Pipczynski. He will improvise live on four series of images. Members of various photography clubs submitted the images.

The work of the photo clubs

The central component of Photo Münsingen is the competition for photo clubs. 52 photo clubs from all over Switzerland and neighboring countries took photos on the topic of “Music” and competed with their tableaux in the coveted competition «Photo Muensingen Award». These are being carried out for the second time U25 Photo Challenge and the Photo Book Contest.

In the area of ​​club photography they represent Photo clubs from Münsingen, Riedisheim and Kirchzarten Images on the topic of “movement”. Photographers from Münsingen will also present their works on the topic “Electricity and heat”.

PHOTOSUISSE shows the best and award-winning pictures from the annual competition. The award ceremony for the «Swiss Photography Championship» by PHOTOSUISSE will again take place as part of Photo Münsingen.

Animals, places and society

Other photo exhibitions are dedicated to social phenomena: Petra Angela Imhof “Cyberized” explores the relationship between people and technology. Gerardo Garciacano shows street portraits of skiers and snowboarders. Oliver Stegmann takes a look behind the circus scenes in “Circus noir”.

Andrea Knechtle captures forgotten spaces and traces of past lives in “Vestiges – The End of Something”. Unexpected urban perspectives developed Manuel Giron. Romano P. Riedo presents Polaroid images with a special depth. Markus Eichenberger was impressed by the breathtaking starry sky in the Swiss Alps.

Lorenz Andreas Fischer shows animal portraits from Africa. And Karl Schuler After all, he was traveling in the realm of the snow leopards, where he ended up meeting them.

Book a date now!

Photo Münsingen also belong to this year audiovisual productions, Lectures, Photo workshops and – in keeping with the annual theme – musical performances. Take a look at our program now and mark the Ascension Days from May 9th to 12th, 2024 in bold on your agenda!

Lectures, audio vision, guided tours: An overview of all dates

On the four days of the exhibition Pho­to Mün­sin­gen Lectures, audiovisual presentations, award ceremonies and guided tours will take place in 2023. Plan your visit now! Here's our rundown of when and what's on:

Saturday, May 13, 2023

In a Best of shows the Pho­to Mün­sin­gen large-format pictures on the village square from May 13th. On Saturdays, May 13th and 20th, representatives of the Münsingen Photo Club will present their passion. On Saturday, May 13th they will be supported musically by the Steel bands «Steelmix» and «TempoMix».

Thursday May 18, 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.00 Lecture: Marco Felix, tips for travel photography parish hall
11.00 Lecture: Thomas Biasotto, Landscapes at Night Fürwehrhuus
12.00 Guided tour: Urs Wohlwned, O‑magique Castle – attic
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.00 Guided tour: Silvio Maraini, Flooded Cathedrals flower house
13.30 Guided tour: Thomas Biasotto, Landscape at night Castle Dachstock
14.00 award ceremony: Photo Book Contest / U25 Photo Challenge Schlossgutsaal
14.00 Guided tour: Michel Roggo, Wasser@bern Schlossgutplatz
14.30 Guide: Laurin Schmid, Border of Hope Schlossweg
15.00 Guided tour: Gia Chkhatarashvili, Mystical Georgia Castle Alley
15.00 Lecture: Christian Burkhardt, Bookfactory parish hall
15.30 Guided tour: Thomas Biasotto, Landscape at night Castle Dachstock
16.00 Guided tour: Marielsa Niels, Dans l'antre du soi parish hall
16.00 Guided tour: Melinda Blättler, unfiltered portraits Flower house exterior wall
16.30 Lecture: Julia Hager, Blue Planet and the Plastic Flood Fürwehrhuus
17.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall

Friday 19st May 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Lecture: Monika Christofori-Khadka, Water and Worlds Fürwehrhuus
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Guided tour: Zak van Billjon, Modernizing Nature engl./d connection path
14.00 Guided tour: Alexandra Schmid, employee of the month flower house
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, portfolio work Youth House Spycher
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, Behind the Scenes Youth House Spycher
15.00 Lecture: Melinda Blättler, 99x unique parish hall
15.30 Guided tour: Res Reinhard, eau et noir parish hall
16.00 Guide: Jean-François Delhom, Cascades Schlossstrasse
16.30 Lecture: Ralf Turtschi, designing photo books Fürwehrhuus
19.00 Multivision: Michel Roggo, From the Amazon to the Aare Fürwehrhuus

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.30 Lecture: Marco Felix, tips for travel photography Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Award ceremony PHOTOSUISSE culture grape
13.00 Guided tour: Alexandra Schmid, employee of the month flower house
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Guided tour: Marielsa Niels, Dans l'antre du soi parish hall
13.30 Guide: Julia Hager, Icy Worlds Schlossstrasse 5
14.00 Guided tour: Urs Wohlwned, O‑magique Castle Dachstock
15.00 Guide: Jean-François Delhom, Cascades Schlossstrasse
15.30 Guided tour: Res Reinhard, eau et noir parish hall
16.30 Panel: Guy Jost, professional photography graduate Fuhrerhus

Sunday May 21, 2023

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.30 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall
11.00 Lecture: Urs Wohlwend, ICM Photography Fürwehrhuus
13.00 Guided tour: Silvio Maraini, Flooded Cathedrals flower house
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
13.30 Guide: Julia Hager, Icy Worlds Schlossstrasse 5
14.00 Guided tour: Michel Roggo, wasser@bern Schlossgutplatz
14.30 Leadership: Laurin Schmid, Limit of Hope Schlossweg
14.30 Guided tour: Cap fotoschule, portfolio work Youth House Spycher
15.00 Guided tour: Gia Chkhatarashvili, Mystical Georgia Castle Alley
15.30 Guided tour: Zak van Billjon, Modernizing Nature, Engl./Ger connection path
16.00 Guided tour: Melinda Blättler, unfiltered portraits Flower house exterior wall

Lectures and Audio Vision: An overview of the dates

Numerous lectures, audiovisual productions and the Photosuisse award ceremony will take place over the four days of the exhibition. When is what? An overview.

Thursday May 26, 2022

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.30 Lecture: Marco Felix, tips for travel photography parish hall
11.00 Lecture: Thomas Kern, The emergence of a portrait series Fürwehrhuus
12.00 Lecture: Andreas Zimmermann, m.object parish hall
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
14.30 Lecture: Thomas Biasotto, MASSIVE parish hall
16.00 Lecture: Patric Vigato, EIZO, color management parish hall
16.30 Lecture: Martin Bissig, Extremely on the move Fürwehrhuus
17.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall

Friday 27st May 2022

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Lecture: Harry Lieber (DE), The beauty behind the obvious Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Lecture: Oliver May, EIZO, color management parish hall
12.00 Lecture: Andreas Zimmermann, m.object parish hall
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
14.30 Lecture: Mary Farinello, bookfactory Software parish hall
19.00 Multivision: Andreas Zimmermann, totally crazy Fürwehrhuus

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 18 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

11.00 Lecture: Mathias Kniepeiss (AT), The magic of the moment Fürwehrhuus
11.00 Lecture: Oliver May, EIZO, color management parish hall
12.00 Lecture: Andreas Zimmermann, m.object parish hall
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
14.00 Award ceremony PHOTOSUISSE 2021 Auditorium school building Schlossmatt
14.30 Lecture: Marco Felix, tips for travel photography parish hall
16.30 Lecture: Olivier Morin (FR), Arctic Fun Fürwehrhuus

Sunday May 29, 2022

Exhibitions and Photo Arena open from 10 a.m. to 17 p.m., Audio Vision blocks in the Füürwehrsaal at 13.00 p.m., 13.45 p.m., 14.30 p.m. and 15.15 p.m

10.30 Lecture: Christian Reding, Get a taste of photo technology parish hall
11.00 Lecture: Werner Richner (DE), Between heaven and earth Fürwehrhuus
12.00 Lecture: Andreas Zimmermann, m.object parish hall
13.00 Lecture: Christian Reding, Nikon innovations parish hall
14.30 Lecture: Christian Burkhardt & Filipp Rechsteiner, Bookfactory parish hall
16.00 Raffle for the winners of the visitor competition Schlossgutsaal

Looking for head of catering department

In the area of ​​gastronomy and events, Photo Münsingen is looking for reinforcements in the OK. The tasks include the planning and organization of the entire catering offer of Photo Münsingen.

This includes the negotiation and coordination with the catering providers, the organization and support of our bistro as well as the planning and preparation of events.

Special gastronomic knowledge is not required, but organizational skills would be helpful.

Are you interested in being an honorary member of the Photo Münsingen organizing committee? Then contact Albert Andrist without obligation. He is happy to provide further information and information.

Telephone 079 330 28 01 or albert.andrist@photomuensingen.ch

Exciting discussions, over 4000 visitors

The 19th Photo Münsingen moved 4220 visitors to Münsingen over the Ascension Days. The exhibition and lectures on America by Henna and Arthur Honegger were well attended and one of the highlights. The Instagram theme with 9 photographers from Switzerland provided inspiration for new media. The pictures by Janine Machiedo and Susanne Jung are surreal. And the exciting report "In the Nest of the Crocodiles" by Florian Spring also attracted a lot of attention.

The Photo Münsingen Award for the best club work on the topic "Move" went to the Camera Klub Brown Boveri Baden, ahead of the Fotoclub Sense and the Fotofreunde Oberaargau. The exhibitions stimulated discussions and the exchange of experiences. Photo Münsingen was once again a meeting point and source of inspiration for people from all over Switzerland who were interested in photography. Next year, from May 30th to June 2nd, 2019, Photo Münsingen will take place for the 20th time.

To the photo galleries of Photo Münsingen 2018…

The audio vision program and its creation

So about that 30 short audiovisual productions (AV), a full evening Live multivision and the PHOTOSUISSE competition photos: that actually doesn't sound like much. And yet, the following also applies to the AV: after the Photo Münsingen is before the Photo Münsingen, and sometimes even: before the next one is also before the next but one Photo Münsingen - namely when important AV festivals take place so shortly before the driveway that the shows shown there can no longer be integrated into our programme.

This addresses an important part of the work in the AV department: attending AV festivals. And because there are only two of them in Switzerland, that also means going abroad, evaluating shows, corresponding with the authors of the selected productions, technically checking the incoming files - and finally up to the copy deadline for the brochure Put together a meaningful program so that each of the 6 show blocks lasts between 20 and 25 minutes, has a reasonably meaningful dramaturgical structure, and the audience does not step back into the real world with an overly gloomy expression.

The latter in particular is sometimes a tough nut to crack, because humorous and at the same time well designed shows are not that common. In general, the combination of content and technical brilliance is anything but self-evident.

It initially seems a little easier to find big productions for Friday evening; Organizers such as Explora or Vivamos offer a wide selection. However, the really exceptional speakers often also demand corresponding fees, which are then not always in our budget.

We found an ideal solution for the current year: our department colleague Urs Wohlwend will report on his trip to South America. It is entirely in the spirit of Photo Münsingen to build on its own resources, and when it comes to such a convincing and fascinating production, our decision was made quickly.

Well that Audio vision program 2017 and we now just hope that you like it and that we will be able to welcome you again in large numbers this year in the Füürwehrsaal.

Werner Hoffmann, Audio-Vision department

For the first time in Switzerland: René Groebli, NUDES

The famous Swiss photographer René Groebli turns 90 this year. With his youthful vigor and great esprit, he realizes exhibitions and new illustrated books from his immense work worldwide. After the sensual series “The Eye of Love”, René Groebli now presents the «NUDES» exhibition. It will be shown for the first time in Switzerland at Photo Münsingen in the castle.

The artistic nudes were created over a period of more than fifty years and show the photographer's unique, clearly recognizable signature. With their coarse grain, the images convey a nostalgic, playful but timeless elegance.

René Groebli can be met personally at Photo Münsingen for guided tours and book signings:
Thursday, May 25th and Sunday, May 28th 2017, at 14.30 p.m. each time.

Bearded Vulture in the Alps

The animal filmmaker Andreas Kieling came across the bearded vulture on his worldwide search for rare animals. In its ZDF Terra X program "Kieling's wild world" (from 27'50 '') he shows how one of the largest airworthy birds in the world regains a foothold in the Alps. Exterminated in the last century, around 200 bearded vultures are now living in the Alps again.

Photo Münsingen also devotes a lecture to this majestic bird. For the Swiss nature photographer Hans Ruedi Weyrich the bearded vulture is one of the favorite motifs. In his Lecture «Return of the Bearded Vulture to the Alps» he talks about the release and the work of the biologists with the animals.